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Sunday 22 November 2015

Good News for Coffee Drinkers

This is an interesting piece on wellness through natural foods. If you have been avoiding coffee because of caffeine, you are not alone, we were in that school together, but, now more facts are emerging and I have personally reversed my view and opinion, about coffee , we were told, coffee was bad because of caffeine, but as the years rolled by, we are getting older and wiser. I have joined the fan of coffee drinkers as a result of the positive effects experienced  after taking coffee especially in the morning or midday. It is not all about caffeine, it is loaded with other beneficial antioxidants especially brain boosting natural ingredients which particularly benefits the middle aged and the elderly. The information below from research taken from website further attests to the health boosting benefits of coffee. Read What the experts are saying through the site.

"If your liver's packing it in after a lifetime of boozing, changing your poison may yet keep you alive a little longer.
So says Dr Alex Hodge, a consultant gastroenterologist and liver disease specialist at Monash Health, a unit of Australia's Monash University.

Hodge and her colleagues studied 1,100 patients with either hepatitis C, hepatitis B or fatty liver. The latter condition is often caused by heavy alcohol consumption and while it produces no symptoms can lead to liver damage. As the liver filters your blood, a less-than-optimally-operating liver is not something you want inside you. The good news from the study is that three cups of coffee a day seem to have a positive impact on the liver. The bad news is that the improvements were most marked in Hepatitis C patients, meaning those among you whose health problems stem from bacon-munching and beer-swilling probably need to consider diet and exercise rather than extra lattes or flat whites.
Just why coffee helps the liver isn't known: caffeine's a well-studied compound, but coffee's full of other chemicals and their impact on the liver remain obscure." ®

Those who have been avoiding coffee due to its caffeine content may now have a rethink and re- consider returning to coffee due to its numerous health benefits especially that of the liver. Other facts observed in the course of taking coffee includes the fact that you must ensure proper hydration with clean water each time coffee is consume.  Sufficient Water appears to help it work better into the cells and reduce the negative effect(s) you may be concerned about  due to caffeine. 


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