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Tuesday 23 July 2024

Here is one of the Best Herbal Combos to Boost your immunity



Ginger is a common spice that we are familiar with, especially because of its numerous health benefits.  it pairs very well also with other herbs for  our immune  boosting such as hibiscus flower tea  Cocoa, green tea, lemongrass tea, tumeric and several other teas that you can pair  with ginger to make tea to boost your immunity especially to heat up your body because diseases cannot thrive in a hot environment when we allow our body to become cold then diseases find their way but there is a new way that I found to enjoy this drink and to build a very strong immunity and that is taking ginger with pomegranate powder that is mixing the two powder together makes  a great immune boosting drink.   it's a great inflammation fighter and above all, helps to lighten your skin and remove signs of aging.   Here are some of the benefits you will drive by consuming this combination of ginger and pomegranate powder or the juice if you get the fresh pomegranate fruit.  Although I use the powder with ginger powder, as the storage is easier that way.

1.  Acne free skin:

 if you have an oily skin and prone to acne then you should also consider this tea just half or one teaspoon each of the powder, hard boiled, water blew it and then allow it to settle or receive it and your tea is ready to drink, it  helps  to fight acne prone skins and then make your skin smooth and this also arises because of its ability to reduce inflammations, both  skin inflammations and others under the skin.

2.  Reduce Signs of Aging:

 One of the visible and very noticeable benefits of this combination is reducing signs of aging and this aging occurs as a result of increased free radical activity that goes on every day so combining them and consuming them without any other adition such as milk, sugar, and  other additives helps you to achieve this result very quickly too.

3.  Fights Inflammations 

Merely combining these two and drinking regularly for up to 7 days mostly in the morning or sometimes, morning and evening,  you you will notice most inflammation's are gone from your body including the unseen inflammations you will not feel most pains against,  waist pains or even  if you have existing pains before,  majority of them will disappear within few days of consistently taking this drink, either  once or twice daily it's a great inflammation fighter that is the meaning of this effect thatI  noticed during  few days of drinking this herbal teas  combined together

4.  Calms the brain:

They are both brain foods and  you will noticeably feel less numbness and less depression.  You will generally feel well from inside.  These feelings are noticed when you continue for a few days, when you start taking this combination or if you're already going through depression you will notice an improvement.

5.  Healthy Weight loss:

Most importantly you will notice a healthy weight loss which is very very important for older adults when weight loss comes in a healthy way it means, the immense  system is boosted and when you  begin to add weight which is very easy as we age,  diseases also come along with it such as  high blood pressure, diabetes and all types  diseases. You can also safely take it in the morning without meals especially for weight loss.

6.  Reduce blood Pressure and Sugar

Noticeably the blood pressure is also controlled as much and as well as the blood sugar too, by the mere combination and consumption of the two combination.

7.  Improved Sleep

If you  have been having problem falling asleep at night you can start your day after your water therapy with this drink and even you can also take it midday  after your meals  especially your main meals containing oil and fat.

8.  Aids Digestion

Just worried about your  digestion or  if you have slow digestion and you need an aid, we all know that Ginger is also good in activating the stomach digestive juice and with the synergy of pomegranate which is also a source of vitamin C it works well to support our digestive health and much nutrients also in pomegranate with a little protein makes it a perfect combination.

9.  Improves Blood Circulation 

Improved blood  circulation is quite essential for wellness and to maintain a strong immunity,  so it's also one of the major benefits of consuming this tea.  You  will notice improve blood circulation and this also will bring about improved wound healing especially for prediabetics, diabetics and speeds the healing of certain wounds.

10.  Helps Reverse Ovarian Cyst and Similar.          Inflammations.

This has to do with women, those having early symptoms of Cysts growing anywhere in the body such as ovarian cyst will also benefit by taking ginger tea regulation, like first in the morning or last thing at night, you may also pair it with tumeric.


The combination have numerous other benefits including suppressing hunger and improving energy level, it's better to try it and let us have your comment also because it definitely have numerous other benefits which you may  also observed by consuming the combo,  remember that moderation is our rule.  Too much of everything including the good things is bad.

Photo credit:

Wednesday 26 June 2024

4 Ways Our Mood Affects our Health


Our Mood and emotions  affects our health in a lot of ways.   These moods originates or are given birth by situations and circumstances in our individual lives which may not be known to others. How we feel overtime is reflected in our overall health and it is for this reason we must ensure that we are always happy  and try as much as possible to maintain a stable emotion because our immune system takes  record of all the activities whether outsiders and other external forces  are aware or not.    if you are not happy, it is going to make you susceptible to infections and attacks by all kinds of diseases.  

Here four main reasons why we must avoid unstable and negative emotions:

1.   It is an injunction given to us by God to always maintain a stable emotion.   The one that created the body that we carry knows how best it will function and so he has given us a manual regarding its maintenance and  inside that manual it is stated that we should always be happy because "A Merry  Heart  Doeth Good like Medicine"  so if you want to be happy, abd  maintain a good health then you must always ensure that there is no bitterness in you because at the end of the day it is you that will still suffer it. 

2.  Being Sad and dissatisfied affects You More Than Others:  We are the loser at the end when we are not happy when we are bitter it also will affects our Health and well-being.  In this regard,  we are the only one affected by the disease.   By this decision of allowing  negative emotion, we open doors to all kinds of ailments,  if we allow it to linger for long then it's going to affect our health at the end of the day and we are the one that will still suffer it.  We should  as much as possible we  endeavour to maintain  stable emotion

3.  It Does not Attract Positive People to us  and we miss opportunities.   It does not attract people to us does not attract favour too, there is a  popular saying that   your face is your fortune when you look moody when we  feel unhappy and dissatisfied about everything,  that wuil make us exhibit negative behaviors. we look sad,, we miss a lot of opportunities because nobody wants to associate or do things with an unmotivated or unhappy or sad person because that person may be affected also.

4.It affects our overall  decisions:  

 If we continue to be sad it's going to affect all the decisions we make in that state of mind.  it shows that we are dissatisfied about everything and that will affect our decision and in a way those decisions may affect other people around us, or we may have to do with. 


 Truly, Situations, Circumstances and current happenings, may create justification in our heart to want to  remain or stay depressed, but we don't have to.   The injuction here is that we should as much as possible not allow any   negative emotion to linger for long because it will affect our health at the long run and we are ultimately going to be the loser in it, Regarding the   challenges, we may turn back to Almighty God our creator, He  has already promised us a way out, He already made provision for that circumstance too.  He is aware of it and is going to make a way for us.  That challenge we are going through, somebody has gone through it,   somebody is currently going through it and some other persons also will go through it so you shouldn't feel that we are the worst hit because of the present moment because no matter how bad any  situation is at that moment, it is something that will definitely change .  It  is only change that is constant so we should be encouraged and admonished by this that no matter how bad or challenging that situation, be rest assured that the change is  is very close and will soon come.  Do not destroy your health because of that situation through worrying and negative emotions.

Tuesday 25 June 2024

Have You Tried this Natural Drink that lowers Blood Pressure Fast?



Pomegranate fruit may not sound familiar too many of us because of where we live.    The fruit is not so common in our local markets talking of the fresh fruit but you can get dried fruits ground to  powder made from the fruit and use it to brew tea by adding about half teaspoon of the powder , add boiled water and allow to brew and your tea is ready.   this is a tea that can do almost everything for you and yet naturally caffeine-free. I have tested the tea and it  is my favourite especially when it comes to cleaning of clogged arteries, and then supply the body with essential nutrients like iron vitamin C and other antioxidants needed for healthy body. 

Here are the top reasons why I will recommend pomegranate tea made from the dried fruit for you especially if you are managing high blood pressure to help him improve your health,  to support  diabete or  to reduce inflammation and these are the key things that trouble most elderly persons and what more this tea is even able to calm the brain and reduce insomnia let's see some of the reasons and benefits I have already observed while using pomegranate tea as part of my healthy teas.  If you can get the fresh fruit, it is even better.

1  Cleaning of Clogged Arteries 

It is common to notice clogged artery especially among the elderly,  although some people may not observe it but I usually notice it around my feet my lower feet when the arteries are clogged and what are some of the common things that actually lead to this.  when you consume biscuits,  processed foods, breads too much sugary foods and drinks if you take these foods coupled with  not exercising for some time and other inflammatory foods,  shortly you will notice some dark blood areas around your feet and these are signs that the arteries are really clogged because of the things you  consume.  You can start checking  your feet if you have not been doing so it is good to check.   I usually notice mine when it is  clogged and it is difficult to find food to unclog it in the way that pomegranate does, though rigorous exercise helps too, but when you take pomegranate last thing at night next morning the result will be very visible you will notice a clearer skin around the areas that were  clogged or dark before, showing that the yea has begun to clean up the arteries, if  they are actually allowed to stay  for a long time it affects overall health causing blood sugar rise and control blood sugar even blood pressure heart is related issues faster aging and several other unhealthy conditions including cholesterol buildup so this is one thing that you can include in your diet if you want to avoid clogged arteries or yours has been blocked and you are not aware you can include this tea to help unclog the arteries and clean it up  so as to improve your health generally.

2. Lowers Blood Pressure:

If you are managing high blood pressure or you want to prevent ailments  like that then you should consider including pomegranate tea.   Some people can get the fresh pomegranate fruit which is even better but in this case I have not laid my hands on the fresh fruit but I am  using the dried fruit ground as powder  as tea and is delivering so much result for those I have recommended for and then wondering how the fresh pomegranate will perform if the dried leaf teas from the fruiy is so potent it's one of the top teas that can  tone down blood pressure or you want to just include it as a healthy way to avoid rise in blood pressure.  Good news, is most of the things that causes rise in blood pressure are usually addressed by the pomegranate tea.  The tea is also a source of potassium which may be responsible for its blood pressure lowering benefit.

3.  Fights Insomnia

We all know that sleep is medicine on its own so anything that can help you sleep will definitely improve your health.  This tea is one of such things that helps to support quality sleep at night if you are wondering what to take or drink before bedtime and  will not keep you awake midnight or keep you feeling hungry some teas are good in lowering blood pressure and doing a lot but somehow they may keep you feeling light or even hungry midnight but this tea has some kind of carbs  that supports the body while it is also supporting  in your sleep so you do not have to wake up feeling hungry or feeling light, this is one aspect of this tea that I really admire. whenever I take it, it keeps you sleeping and sleeping and you never feel as if you have exhausted the food in your tummy and needs to wake up because it has some own form of complex carbs that helps to support you this is something I have  experienced and it has a lot of other nutrients  and anti-inflammatory nutrients that also fight and reduce inflammation which tend to keep some people awake unknown them,  it reduces inflammation at all levels.

4.  Fights Inflammations 

By this I mean fighting inflammations at all levels including helping me prevent adding weight which is common amongst menopausal women.  It reduces pains and improves Oral Health, It supports strong teeth and reduces gums disease too. Probably due to its high vitamin C and antibacterial properties.

5.  Helps Support Damaged Nerve:  

If you survived a stroke attack or you have nerve issues.  This tea offers support because I have used it on someone who suffered nerve damaged due to high blood pressure which almost resulted  in a stroke.  It worked well in supporting the nerves.

6.  Memory Support

An important aspect of our health especially when we are aging is the memory the brain support, we should not neglect foods that offers support to the brain or memory because of its work we can regain a lot of things after we lost it but it is difficult to regain the memory when it has gone beyond recognizing people around you or knowing what is happening it is important to include foods that helps to support brain and pomegranate happened to be one of such rare fruits even while  drinking the tea you will feel it that's my experience and that is what I have also been told by those using it. you will notice if you are sensitive to your body you will notice the link that the tea have towards the brain making you to know or believe even without doing any  laboratory study that this tea shows positive effect and  support or  for the brain.

7.  Fights Constipation:  

This is one of the best benefits of pomegranate tea.  If you have access to the fresh fruit use it or use the dried.


 The health benefits of Pomegranate tea are much including raising your iron level, vitamins, and minerals, supporting digestive health and making your skin look youth full. We should still consume in moderation.

Friday 21 June 2024

Detox your body and Prevent Infections

What is Detoxification:   

This is simply a process through which your body gets rid of toxins, pesticides and other harmful chemical naturally by the help of key organs.  Major organs involved in detoxification are the liver, kidney, pancreas, skin, colon, and  lungs. Our bodies are expected to naturally remove these toxins naturally without assistance, however as we age and the toxins increase in our systems, the organs are nolonger getting younger and the toxins are increasing at an alarming rate due to exposures which  brings an overload of these toxins upon our organs.  When they accumulate over a period of time, the entire body begins to feel sick.

When  Do We Need Detoxification

Constipation: It is expected that we pooh daily or every other day depending on the individual, however, if constipation becomes persistent over a long time, then their may be need for us to bring in natural ingredients to assist our body get rid of these waste that may soon choke our organs.


 If we discover frequent break outs our, skin problems that refuses to heal.  Then the skin may be sending a message to detox.  The skin will always report correctly what is happening inside.  If all is well within,  then you will have a clear glowing skin.

Weight Gain:

When gain continues with much effort to loose weight and not getting result, it may be a sign that there is overload of toxins whithin.

Other signs of need of detox includes:  Not sweating for a long time, poor appetite, sluggishness, lack of sleep for a long period of time and other unfamiliar symptoms.

How Toxins Enter Our Body

Whether we believe it or not, our exposure to toxins today has never been so alarming in history:
A brief look a how and when they enter our body

- Through the food we eat, many of us enjoy processed  and packaged foods and drinks laden with sugar and other chemical preservatives and the liver must work hard to get rid of these preservatives when they get inside

- Drinks:  

These includes carbonated beverages containing gas and other harmful agents to our body.  Drinks include hard water, from poor sources. 

-  Body creams, 

Soaps, detergents, perfumes, powder and other beauty products.

-  Our Physical Environment:  Usually when generators and other machines are in operation, they release fumes into the air, making even the air we breath sometimes toxic.  when we live in environments with so much toxic waste in the surrounding, when we live in industrial areas with large generators and machines, we take in toxins through the air we breath.

Ways to Avoid Toxins

-  Go for organic foods whenever possible
-  Ensure your water is purified, avoid water from tanks, dirty bottles, cellophane bags , reservoirs or other unhealthy sources.
-  Reduce exposure to chemicals from beauty products, whenever possible make your own soaps, creams and other products.  I make mine own bathing soaps, kitchen soaps and body creams for several years and it has been helping me reduce toxic expossure.
- Maintain healthy lifestyle and ensure personal hygiene
-Reduce junk foods and natural foods
- Stay closer to nature.  Gardens, flowers and home grown trees. 

Benefits of Detoxifying your System

-  Helps slow down aging
-  Glowing skin, hair and nails
-  Boost your immune system.  Your body is stronger to resist infections.
-  Energy Booster.  You feel increased energy after a good detox
- Aids fertility both in men and women
-  Reduce frequent bacteria infections, including fungal
-  Helps in achieving weight losss
-  Helps prevent tumors and reduce their spread.

Simple Detox you can Do at Home


You can combine any of these fruits for a liver/kidney cleanse

Cucumber or Green apple

You can also include any of these herbs:

Nettle leaf tea
Bitter leaf juice
Raw Vegetable juice
Olive oil

Eat Walnut, green vegetables  and cabbage

For Natural Blood Cleansing.  Use any of the following:

Mistletoe tea
sorghum tea
Golden seal root
Cayenne pepper with red clover
Dandelion or garlic

You can make a tea or tincture from any of the above items and drink and ensure to take more water during your detox


You can make a detox drink for your whole body cleans by making use of any of the fruits mentioned below especially citrus fruits - lemons, limes, oranges, etc

Cucumber slice
Mint leaves
Fresh ginger or garlic
slice of lemon or lime
Citrus fruits


You can make use of any of the following:

- water
- Apple cider
- Lemon and lime
- Cucumber slice
- Cinnamon

Common Detox  Hot Drinks -  General

-Lemon + Ginger + Honey
 Tumeric + Green Tea
 Ginger + Tumeric
  Green Tea + Lemon/Lime

Cold Drinks
Lemon slice  + Cucumber slice with water
Lemon juice or slice with water
Carrot + Orange juice plus ginger powder
Cucumber plus aleo vera

In summary

it is advised we do a daily simply detox or include these detox  food to our regular meals instead of allowing a heavy build up of toxins requiring rigorous detox that are some times difficult and stressful.

Monday 20 May 2024

If its Sugar-Free, Fat -Free Diabetics should Stay off it⚠️

Signs we need Omega 3 Fatty Acids and Top Food Sources



Omega 3 fatty acids are essential nutrients need by our body for optimal health, there are other fatty acids such as omega-6 Omega 9 and others that are still being researched but what is special about the omega-3 is that our body cannot produce omega-3 you must have to consume foods that contains omega-3 in order to have it and that is why it is very very important also to know the foods where you can find them as I shall be disclosing some of the common ones in this post omega-3 is so important especially as we are aging  in a lot of bodily functions ranging from, but not limited to the following:

Bone health

 A lot of bone related issues could be avoided or the onset of bone issues could be delayed if we knew the importance of omega-3 and include them in our diet moderately but because of this ignorance a lot of older adults come up with  series of bone related problems which could be avoided just by consuming Omega-3 fatty acids rich foods in our diet in the right amount the absence of this fatty acid makes a lot of us suffer due to the ignorance of their function  and where to find them, it is not only calcium that makes bones strong as  some of us have been made to believe,  there are  other trace minerals and nutrients that are not even common in our daily foods such as omega-3 and we need to be careful especially as we eat to ensure we consume omega-3 rich foods for stronger bones.

Better Joint:

It  is one thing to have stronger bones it is also a different thing to have very good joints and tendons where the bones meet.  That is the joints the bones meet and there are very few minerals that are not needed in large amount that help with this connective points and Omega-3 fatty acids is one of such nutrients that help with this connecting points in various parts of our body like the joints  wondering why you are experienced too many joint pains even when you were taking medications, it  doesn't seem to even be reaching it most times it may be likely due to absence of Omega-3 fatty acids and if not addressed they developed to go out and all the more painful conditions inflammatory, conditions around the joints if it is not attended to as the body is degenerating the joints are degenerating the bones and a lot of other parts of the body so we need important nutrients like omega-3 in the small amount that they are needed to help this connecting points in our joints so we do not develop joint problems joint pains and similar conditions.

3.  Reduce Inflammations

On a daily basis inflammations occur in our body, and is caused by many factors some are caused by excess sugar some by excess body weight some  may be caused by infections,  some are caused by high blood pressure and just continue on like that.  Most of these inflammations are not seen with the visible eyes they are happening internally and some of them are even the cause of heart atta, k heart failure,  stroke and several other complications that happens but the presence of Omega-3 fatty acids in the foods we eat may  reduce such occurrences.   Remember that this particular fatty acid cannot be manufactured by our body like some other fatty acid omega-6 for instance can be found in most of the vegetable oils and one of the leading cause of inflammations today may be related to  too much of omega-6 without the presence of omega-3 because when we consume vegetable oils and most of the processed foods they are prepared and most times   preserved with this oil and all of them contain omega-6 so sometimes when the  omega-6 becomes too much in the body and there is no omega-3 , it  creates an imbalance in the body and that imbalance leads to inflammation that is to say the body responds to the imbalance by creating inflammation so if we need to reduce inflammation in the body generally.    We must endeavour to include Omega-3 fatty acids rich foods so as to reduce too many inflammations. 

Reduce Autoimmune Disease

When the body begins to attack  itself as a result of certain imbalance or health issues that have not been addressed then we refer to such attack on as autoimmune and  most times it is even difficult to manage medically but when there is Omega-3 fat in the body it may reduce such incidences where the body turns again and attacks its own self for various reasons this happens,  even though we may not be aware of what will be going on internally but it's only when we begin to manifest symptoms physically, symptoms that such diagnosis could be made that this is an autoimmune disease and this is usually   difficult to manage or even diagnosed but if we consume Omega-3 fatty acids in the right amount it could delay or  stop such occurrences.

Support Heart Health

I personally have no doubt in believing the effect or importance of this rare fatty acids in supporting a healthy heart when we are aging especially women we are often faced with cases of heart attack, heart failure and other   heart-related issues,  the heart is a delicate organ and we must take care of it by taking the foods that will support the heart muscles we must avoid too much of fat especially bad fats , fat one of the worst enemies of the heart, I have personally experienced it if you take too much of fatty  foods even though the fact may be a healthy one.  Omega-3 can help to strengthen the heart and then make it to be able to be resilient in case of such occurrences.  We have to make efforts in maintaining  a strong heart with good muscles,  strong muscles omega-3 is one of nutrients that helps to support the heart health and  may reduce incidences of heart attack stroke or heart failure.

Reduce Depression 

Consuming consuming Omega-3 fatty acids which foods may also reduce severe cases of depression even if we  are already managing depression.   The case of depression is difficult for some people to really understand, many people are going through it unknown to them but if you have not been taking this seriously it's important to understand that most older adults,  and youth go through one form of depression or the other and in order to manage some of these things we can include such foods with omega-3 is in our diet so as to reduce or delay such occurrences and avoid complications.

Support brain Health

 This is also one of the few brain supporting foods which we should include in moderation here are some of the common food sources since it is not so common in our local market we can supplement with occasional fish oil to meet the requirement of this important nutrient that must come from what we eat.

Common food sources of omega 3 fats.

African walnut




African bread fruit

Some fatty fish

ChIa seeds



Moringa leaves 



Hemp Seeds

and other foods including some green  vegetables too

Moderation remains our rule

Monday 6 May 2024

Water therapy, what is it, how do we practice it


*Water therapy. What is it?  how do we practice it and for how long?

For the benefit of our new members.  Water therapy is our culture in this house and here is a short piece on what water therapy is all about.  

Water therapy is simply a method of drinking ordinary water for therapeutic purposes

It was embedded into our slogan because of its importance in restoring health and wellness. 

Water has been popular for centuries in helping improve health irrespective of what ails you.  But the scientific way of drinking water to cure disease and improve health was popularized in Japan after it successfully treated long standing gastroenteritis case. Since then, it has further been popularized as a sure remedy in treating/ curing ailments ranging from:

Headache, body ache, heart system, arthritis, fast heart beat, epilepsy, excess fatness, bronchitis asthma, TB, meningitis, kidney and urine diseases, vomiting, gastritis, diarrhea, piles, diabetes, constipation, all eye diseases, womb, cancer and ear nose and throat,  absorption, restore loss of appetite, improve all diseases to mention but a few.


 As you wake up in the morning before brushing teeth, drink 5 x 160ml glasses of water, if you weigh more than 60kg, you may need more, say like six glasses. 

In observing water therapy, no more meal after 7pm, then the next morning you start up with the above 👆quantity of water depending also on your body weight. 

 After taking the water, brush and clean the mouth but do not eat or drink anything for at least  50minutes after taken the water. 

After 50 minutes, you may go ahead and eat normally. 

After 15 minutes of breakfast, lunch and dinner it is better  not to  eat or drink anything for 2 hours

Those who are old or sick and are unable to drink 5 or 6 glasses of water at the beginning may commence by taking  one or two glasses and gradually move up as they improve. 

The above method of treatment will cure diseases of the sick and others can enjoy a healthy life.

My Experience with Water Therapy 

My first encounter with water therapy was during my child bearing years, protein was always found in my urine.  This was over twenty years ago. I came across a write up on water therapy, and decided to put it into practice.  Upon my next ANC visit, no more protein in the urine. Since then, I have been preaching the message, to both pregnant and nursing mothers, the message has gone to those waiting on God for conception. I have this message for low sperm count, erectile dysfunction, infertility in women, arthritis, diabetes, just name the disease and I can assure you that water therapy will make it better. 

Why It Works.

Overtime, I have realized that the water therapy is effective because it cleanses the liver and kidney of toxins, it cleans all internal organs, thereby enabling them do their work.  As long as these organs are strong and working, fans.  No disease can overcome you or get worse. Additionally, water therapy makes nutrients transportation total and easy. As long as your metabolism is working, transportation and absorption are on course, you are good to go.  That is the secret fans. 

My Advice

Never you neglect water therapy.  During headaches, before you think of paracetamol, think water first, if weak, think water, loss of appetite, yes, may be toxins accumulation, how do they go out, it's water. Water therapy is our culture on all our platforms

I am a strong believer in water therapy fans. As for me and  my household, it's our way🙄🙄.  

Now, as the years goes by, I have come to also believe that a dash of lemon juice or lime juice or even apple Cider Vinegar in the water therapy for older adults is not a bad idea and will not destroy the purpose. 

We must stay healthy naturally fans, and water therapy remains our culture. 

For How Long shall we practice Water Therapy. -- for a lifetime🙄😆😁😜

Tuesday 9 April 2024

Reasons to Include Yoghurt in your Diet

Photo credit:  Medical News Today


Yoghurt is fermented from Milk, which is a dairy product.  The discovery and origin of yoghurt is interesting as it was said to be like an accident.  Youghurt is said to have been in existence for about 7000yrs and more people are benefiting from the numerous health benefits of Youghurt.  There are different types of yoghurt but the comment factor in all is fermentation whereby bacterials have acted on the milk, through a process known as fermentation.  I have recently returned yoghurt to my diet to help control bad cholesterol and various other reasons such as :

1.  Aiding Digestion

 The older we get. the more we need foods that aids digestion and how does yoghurt do this, by the presence of lacto bacillus which also support gut health function:

2.  To Reduce Constipation

Some Constipation may be respond until you bring in more probiotics rich foods like yoghurt.

3.  To Reduce Risk of Diabetes:

  Diabetics and pre-diabetics and other health concious persons who are finding it difficult to digest milk can include yoghurt in moderation to improve health, get proteins and several other nutrients.

4.  To Improve Skin

The skin is often affected by not getting enough nutrients such as proteins, and overtime it begins to wrinkle and show signs of aging.  Older adults can include youghurt in their diet moderately to reduce signs of aging and improve skin. 

5.  To Reduce Frequency of Bacteria Infections: 

One smart way to boost gut health and prevent it from being invaded by bacterias is the inclusion of yoghurt in the diet. 

6.  To Boost Bone Density: 

An aspect of our health we must give attention to especially as we age is incorporating foods that boosts bone density as our bones houses the heart, brain, legs and every other part of our body.  Include foods like yoghurt to help prevent incidences of osteoporosis especially in women. 

7.  Get More Protein

 Yoghurt is a source of protein which is easily accessible to our body because it is complete in amino acids meaning that the body can easily utilise the protein in yoghurt to repair and build new cells.

8.  To improve Sleep:

 I found out that most sleep problems are often due to low calcium in our diet arising from avoiding too many foods.  I observed also that each time I consume yoghurt, I sleep better and deeper.  Women and men in their menopausal years should try including yogurt in their diet to improve sleep quality and quantity.

9.  To Support and Manage High Blood Pressure:

Due to its rich nutrients, diabetics and those managing high blood pressure will benefit by including yogurt in their diet.  Experience have shown that those managing high blood pressure usually experience improved blood pressure when they started including yoghurt in their diet, all thanks for its protein, calcium and other important nutrients.

10.  For Improved Energy:

Youghurt being complete in amino acids delivers full and quality energy moreso it has not salt or transfats.

Choosing Yoghurt:  

Always ensure your yoghurt contains probiotics and that sour taste. Greek yogurt is said to be a good one however, any yogurt without artificial flavours and added sugars is okay too.  Making your home made Youghurt is easy, In 2020, we had an in-house seminar on our Wassap platform on making your own homemade made yoghurt.


Consume yoghurt in moderation, Not really an everyday food for me but if you are experiencing frequent diarrhea, then it's time to include yoghurt, if you are experiencing chronic constipation, you need yoghurt, if difficulty falling asleep, other conditions when you need yoghurt includes. Wrinkled skin, trying to lower high bad cholesterol,low energy, anxiety attacks, poor absorption of nutrients, heart problems, stomach ulcers or symptoms, poor kidney and liver function, managing diabetes, reversing inflammations such as toothache and several other health conditions.   Remember that moderation is our rule.

Monday 8 April 2024

Infections! what are they? Are there Natural remedies?

Infections! what are they? Are there Natural remedies?


The subject before us sounds more scientific, but we will not attempt to go deep scientifically as, we are not scientists, but I shall endeavor to focus on the following during the study:


1. what is Infection
2. Types of infections
3. How do they get to us 
4. Symptoms of Infection 
Our defence against them -

5. Signs of a weak immune system and what to do 
6. Foods that fights infections 
7. Foods that feed infections
8. Foods that cause Mucu
9. Simple ways to boost your body's natural defense
10 Foods reduce mucus
11. How to stay strong during this Pandemic by including common Antiviral foods that helps fight infections
13. Healthy Body All the Way
14. Summary
15. Questions and Answers

1. What is infection

In my own definition, infection is said to occur when a foreign living organism invades our body in the form of pathogens, overcomes all our natural defencies and deters our organs from carrying on its regular functions/ activities resulting in disease.

2. Types of Infection

There are four most common types of infections, namely:

Viral infections. (Viruses are very tiny infectious organisms).

Bacterial infections.
 (Bacteria are single-celled microorganisms)

Fungal infections.

Parasitic infections.

3. How do they get to us? 

Microorganisms capable of causing disease—or pathogens—usually enter our bodies through the eyes, mouth, nose, or urogenital openings, or through wounds or bites that breach the skin barrier. Organisms can spread, or be transmitted,

4. Most common Symptoms of an Infection are:

Common cold
Strep throat
Stomach flu, diarrhea, cramps, vomiting, etc
Ear infections

Remember the symptoms of viral and bacterial infection may resemble but antibiotics won't work for viral infections.

5, Our Defence against them

When we are infected through any means, most times we are unaware, why, because cause our defence system are working 247 to defend us. We have three main lines of defence, before symptoms occur in form of either pains, swellings, fever or other means. What are these lines of defence?

Our body's three lines of defense are:,

1. Skin:
The outer barriers like skin,

2, the second being non-specific immune cells like macrophages and dendritic cells, and

3. the third line of defense being the specific immune system made of lymphocytes like B- and T-cells.

6. Signs of weak immune system and what to do.

*Signs of a Suppressed immunity* 

A. Frequent cold, sneezing, flu like symptoms

If you are always battling with cold. Obviously your immune is low

 *What to do -* include more garlic, ginger, Tumeric, onions, greens, eggs, raw foods and citrus fruits. Reduce carbs and sugar. Stay away from transfats, especiall fried foods.

B. You always have tummy issues, like constipation, diarrhea, gas, stomach noise etc,  

 *What to do -* Include probiotics foods, fermented foods like millet, yogurt, African oil bean seed, iru etc to help support gut health. Also avoid too much sugar and sugary drinks including carbonated beverages and highly processed foods, 

 C. Difficulty in wound healing** 

Your skin goes into damage control mode after you get a burn, cut or scrape. Your body works to protect the wound by sending nutrient-rich blood to the injury to help regenerate new skin.

This healing process depends on healthy immune cells. But if your immune system is sluggish, your skin can’t regenerate. Instead, your wounds linger and have a hard time healing.

 *What to do -* include fruits rich in vitamin C and quality protein, soyabeans, moringa leaves, eggs, carrots, vitamins A and E rich foods, peanuts are rich in protein and vitamin E, but must be taken in moderwtion. 

D. *You Have Frequent Infections* 

If you seem to battle frequent infections, your immune system might be sending you red flags. If you are always treating typhoid and malaria, then, that's a strong signal that your immune system is low.

 *What to do -* take garlic regularly, take fresh paw paw leaves tea, include bitter leafs, especially the water of a freshly washed bitterleaf, moringa leaves, reduce sugar. Honey is OK in moderation. Green foods, nuts and legumes. Chicken soups, black peppers and raw fruits in moderation due to sugar.

7 Foods that fights infections naturally 

Honey. Honey is one of the first natural anti-microbial medicines to be used.

Garlic. Garlic is a powerful anti-bacterial that can fight yeast infections, fungus and candida overgrowth. ...
Coconut Oil. 
Grapefruit Seed Extract. 
Vitamin C.
Manuka Honey. 
Apple-Cider Vinegar.

8, Top foods that feed disease in our body

If a micro organism enters, our body, it needs food to survive, if you supply its food, it will grow and begin sharing nutrients with you until it takes the upper hand to the point of starving you the host of nutrients leading to death of the person, but if we have this knowldge, the moment you sense an infection is present in your body, you feed it by consuming these foods:

Processed foods.
Foods and drinks high in sugar.
Refined carbohydrates.
Alcoholic beverages
Transfats and animal proteins like milk

9. Simple Ways to Boost Your Body's Natural Defenses

Here are simple ways and habits to help boost your body's Natural defence and avoid infections. 

Get enough sleep.
Sleep and immunity are closely tied.

Eat more whole plant foods.
Eat more healthy fats. Like cold pressed coconut oil, olive, peanuts, walnuts and avocadoes oil

Eat more fermented foods, like millet pap, iru yoghurt. 

Limit added sugars.

Engage in moderate exercise.

Stay hydrated. Water therapy is our culture 

Manage your stress levels.

Include vitamin C rich foods like lemon and other citrus

Include sufficient daily protein. Protein is the building block

Include foods with antibacterial and antiviral properties daily, such as honey, garlic ginger, cloves and peppers

10. Foods that cause mucus and Foods that reduce mucus 

Mucus is part of our body's defense. The body produce its mucus naturally, however when mucus is too much due to the consumption of certain foods, microbes take advantage of it. Here are some top foods that encourage excessive mucus:

Red meat
Ice Cream
Corn and corn products
Soy products
Sweet desserts
Alcoholic beverages
So what’s left to eat?

Foods That Reduce Mucus

While it may seem like you can’t eat anything because all of the major food groups have already been wiped out, there are actually some foods left that have the ability to reduce your mucus production.

Here are 21 of them:

Pumpkin seeds
Honey or agar
Cayenne pepper
Olive oil
Decaf tea
If you or a love

11. How to stay safe during this pandemic.

We know that safety is of the lord but as Law abiding citizens, we must follow and abide by all safety tips in addition to trusting God to keep us.
Here are some safety tips to help stay free from infection during this pandemic.

Firstly, we must note that there are several other viral infections including Sars, but the latest among the virus is Coronavirus, which is said to be founded in 2019, the reason, it is cod named Covid-19. As a general rule, all viral infections have similar symptoms, such as flu, and Coronavirus is one of them with similar symptoms.

Here are some popular tips you should observe:

Wash your hands frequently;
Avoid/reduce touching your eyes, nose or mouth;
Avoid eating raw meat and unnecessary contact with wild animals;
Thoroughly cook meat and eggs;
Avoid close contact with anyone with flu-like symptoms;
If you develop a fever, cough, or difficulty breathing, there are remedies and herbs with antiviral properties you can try at home, but if symptoms persist after three days, or one week, better to seek medical attention
Include herbs that reduces mucus like onions, garlic, Tumeric, ginger in your daily diet, excess mucus will feed a viral infection and make the organism more powerful against the host. We already listed the foods that cause excess mucus production 
Take particular precaution while travelling.
Use nose mask in large crowds
Maintain simple hygiene while at home.

12. Common Antiviral foods


This is known to have powerful antiviral qualities and commonly added to teas, extracts, and tinctures meant to naturally treat viral infections.

Its leaves and essential oils contain active components, including menthol and rosmarinic acid, which have antiviral and anti-inflammatory activity


Basil has antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties that can help fight several viral infections. A study revealed that basil contains compounds like apigenin and ursolic acid, which is effective on herpes, hepatitis B and enterovirus. 

The main compound of fennel seeds is trans-anethole, which is found to be quiet effective against herpes viruses. The small seeds also boost your immunity and decrease inflammation in the body.


Garlic is a superfood and is used for preparing medicines for various health conditions. Studies suggest that garlic can be effective against influenza A and B, HIV, HSV-1, viral pneumonia, and rhinovirus.

Other antiviral foods include:

Lemon balm
Cold pressed coconut
and many other common and uncommon foods.

13. Healthy Body All the way

This is a shot piece on a few of my secrets and how I have remained healthy since 2012,till date without any dose of antibiotics despite that I could not stay one or two months without taking typhoid or malaria drugs. To God be the Glory, all that is history now. Here are some of my daily living habits to beat infections.

1. Water therapy

Water therapy is our culture and for over ten yrs, have been observing it with my entire family. A simple secret to healing and restoring healthy body

2. Regular consumption of raw garlic and honey on empty stomach, it is one of my strongest natural antibiotics against many ailments, including viral infections.

3. Occasional bitters like bitterleaf, bitter cola, coffee, cocoa, pawpaw leafs tea and all bitter foods are part of my regular foods to control sugar, high blood sugar is a feeder of disease

4. More liquids especially in the morning. Teas like cocoa, ginger and tumeric, Cinnamon and blackseeds. Honey is an everyday addition to any chosen tea each morning. These are all anti inflammatory. Occasionally, oats and millet are part of the breakfast with nuts.

5 Manage Stress

Stress affects almost everyone, women, old and young. For me, I have seen the extreme side of stress. Comes with insomnia that persist for several days with not even one hour of sleep. Now I try to avoid/reduce foods that makes my stress level high, like sugar, bread, starchy foods and go for bananas, with cashews, cucumbers helps fight inflammations that comes with extreme stress. So I include it in moderation. If stress is not managed properly, it is the worst enemy of our immune which opens door for infections. So I am mindful of this.

6. Include Green veggies especially
 seasonal veggies like waterleaf, okro, etc in my daily diet especially evening meals, they are healing foods. I try to include antibacterial spices in my daily meal. It helps fight infections, and reduce yeast activity.

7. Fresh Foods daily

This will shock you, but it's true fans, My family members only can testify to this. It is stressfull and appears a bit expensive, but one way to avoid infections and stay healthy all year round is that only me🙄 cooks my meals and that of my family till date, zTrh reduce cooking plenty soups and stocking in fridge as much as possible. Some even cook beans too. it is not surprising we do not visit hospital for several years now. It is our secret. Our ancestors practiced it and lived to ripe old age. It's all to the praise of the Almighty God.

8, Include Raw Foods

Each time we eat cooked foods more digestive enzymes are released to digest these food. One of the hardest job our body does, is digestion. If only we can supply ready foods in liquid raw form. Our immune will be stronger. So I ensure to include at least two raw foods daily. it could be citrus, cucumber, limes, garden egg, avocadoes, coconuts, etc. These are ready foods and fully utilized when consumed and helps preserve these enzymes too. So it's one of my secret. I also try not to overdo it because of thyroid health. Too much raw foods affects thyroid and can lead to goitre.

9. Moderate exercise

Though my work of writing, blogging requires sitting, I am always mindful of this and therefore try standing up and moving or doing something else intermittently. It is one secret to my wellness all the way.

10. Fermented foods

Absence of fermented foods in our regular diet is the reason typhoid goes and keeps coming back with its cousin malaria🙄. I try to include iru, daily, take fermented millet occasionally like twice or once in a week. Sometimes it could be up to three times especially when constipation comes.

11 Daily Protein

I love bread😜 yes you heard me, it is acidic and inflammatory. But I find a way to add my own fortification. Though my bread is usually fortified bread, but bs, blackseed and honey, boiled egg, but I take just a bit or slice these days because of my blood sugar, Cinnamon and honey and other yeast fighting foods usually accompany my bread during breakfast. Even if you give me any other food in the morning. I will still ask for hot water and tea in the morning, who else does this?  To be continued

Sunday 7 April 2024

5 Reasons, Peanut may not be among top Nuts for diabetics



We  grew up loving peanuts and it comes in varying preparation methods. Meaning,  there are various ways we consumed it from when a child is being introduced to adult foods and cereals,  peanuts are often  added to the food either  as  peanut butter  or other ways because of its protein content, I also  remember that as  when we were growing up,  peanuts were added to melon soups by our parents then to enrich the soup and we really loved it then because it usually make the soup tastes make the soup taste very  delicious, we also grew up as students loving peanut because you could combine it with bread, garri, even pap, bananas, unriped plantain and any other thing, you can combine with, all  because of its protein content and as we also grew to adulthood we continued to eat the roasted peanuts the kuli kuli,  the dried peanut snacks,  the boiled peanut and all kinds of peanut derivatives and we normally love it and as we continue to grow older, we still  continued also to enjoy this food because apart from the protein content and  being  plant-based too.

 Here are five reasons why older adults should reduce their peanuts consumption and if possible avoid it completely.

1.  Our Body Seems Saturated with Peanuts:

  Yes our body is a living being and often desire changes and that is why it is always good to make dietary modifications and  changes because when we continue to consume a particular food over a long time even if it was a healthy one. Overtime,  our body may  not to be okay any longer with it because instead of feeding her body it turns out that some of them begins to feed the yeast because our body has may have become too familiar with these foods and almost like fed up with it and so as we get older it seems to be that most of us are nolonger   admitting or absorbing peanuts well and its derivatives as it used to  be before  having grown up with it and consuming it right from childhood in large amount and so if you have noticed that you are no more comfortable with peanut you don't need to worry there are other healthy nuts that mother nature has made available and there is actually nothing wrong with you it may be that your body just desires a change.

2. High in Omega 6

Peanuts and peanut oil is basically a good source of omega 6 fatty acid. among the fatty acids  peanut is not a source of omega-3 fatty acids which is rare and so if there is an imbalance in the body and that  imbalance  was created by overconsumption of one particular fatty  acids like omega-6 coming from peanuts and all the other vegetable oils then definitely our body may no longer be comfortable with the excess of omega-6 so it may want to admit other fatty acids and nutrients from other foods like omega 3 which supports our joints unlike peanuts,  which have contains only omega 6 which may have been in excess.  

3.  Peanut is Acidic: 

Our body pH level is made up of acid and alkaline base and it is expected that the alkaline base should be higher in most cases when compared to the presence of acidic base and so most of the foods we consume  creates an acidic environment.   all the carbohydrates food sources are acidic,  When the other foods are  always acidic and then peanut is also  acidic so when our body is already acidic and we bring in  peanuts again as a food,  it tends to reject it because the acid is already high in the body and  the body may not be able to take in  additional acids that is coming from peanuts and so for this reason our body may be rejecting or not accepting peanuts anymore and the  suggestion here is to reduce its consumption or avoid completely.  if  it is giving us some unpleasant health conditions or signaling  to us that that our body is no more comfortable with it and in that case we need to reduce drastically or stay away from it completely.

4.  Peanut is  Inflammatory:

Controlling and managing weight gain is  always a challenge as we get older another challenge is inflammations flammation is common among the older adults and so all inflammatory foods will not bereceived well by our body though we may try to force some of these foods on our body sometimes.  but whenever our body is rejecting it, it  is in our own good we should try as much as possible to discipline ourself  and stay off it because it's not going to help us,  peanut is inflammatory,  natural inflammatory and so getting older create room for  inflammations on it own.   for this  reasons  peanut also should  be reduced alongside with all other inflammatory foods and so we need to also be careful because consuming more peanuts as an older person or mature adult will open door for more inflammations at all levels especially those that are going to hurt our health.  

5.  Peanuts Contributes to Aflotoxins in the body:

If you ever experienced itchy skin,  itching toes,  athletesfoot, acne,  and other skin problems especially those that comes with itching, including eyes you will understand what it means for Aflo toxins to be at work if you are experiencing any of these things like skin problems or itchy eyes, scraping on the skin, much acne, and swelling it is better to stay off peanuts because aflatoxins will increase in the body if you continue to consume peanuts it will  make the condition worse, though peanut is a source of vitamin E which is an antioxidant for the eyes but the presence of these aflatoxins does not allow the eyes and other organs of the body to benefit much from peanuts and all its derivatives, it is for this reason that older adults may have to lower or avoid peanuts completely if it's possible and embrace other nuts that are not inflammatory or anti-inflammatory  properties like sone other nuts. These properties  supports fight against diseases abd infections, which is desirable  for older people to be able to stand against all the bacterias engaging the body  organs daily and all the viruses as well.


It is also important to state that if you find peanut still interesting and okay for you,  you  can see go ahead while listening to your body and once you get a signal from your body to slow down or to stop you definitely have to do so because some who were not consuming peanuts  as young children or as teenagers or middle-aged  may not have the same problems or experience  like  those who have over consumed it while growing up and so their body may still be able to accommodate peanut and all the other derivatives.   For various other reasons he may still be comfortable with peanut butter for these above reasons stated here a lot of people may discover that their body is no longer accepting peanuts.

 Myself  for instance nolonger comfortable with  its consumption as it affects my heart in the evening each time I consume peanuts in the morning especially in large amount in the evening during bedtime it's going to reflect in a very ugly way apart from that starting the day with peanut is also not a very pleasant experience each time I do it and all these may have been because of  the age factor as it was not so in previous years.  It is always good to start the day with detox foods,  foods that are easily digestible and not sticky foods like peanuts that is just part of my own experience why I'm going very very low if you're going through things like itchy toes or maybe you're having issues with your legs or your toes or  have also experienced that during high consumption of peanuts you also needs to slow down on  peanut.  If you  stop or slow down, you will notice  healing will start to take place and most of the itchiness could just dissappear.there could be other reason also why some other person's may not want to continue to embrace it,  For instance, it contributes to weight gain generally, and weight gain is always a problem because to remove the  weight by older adults will always oppose a very big challenge so it's better to prevent the weight gain than to continue consuming peanuts with the hope to lose weight it may not be as easy as it used to be when we were still younger.  We believe in prevention.  Older adults, prediabetics, those with arthritis, diabetics, those with heart problems, high blood pressure should all be careful with peanuts and all its derivatives as a result of the above reasons and several others.

Photo credit:  Times of India

My Top 16 Foods to Reverse Malaria and Typhoid Fever



Malaria and are twin disease that troubles many, it afflicts the young and old alike. The obvious reason for the rise in this ailent amongst people today is likely linked to the food choices and the lifestyle and so when you consider the amount of sugars, processed  foods and lack of exercise in our life today,   absence of probiotics also, Do not be surprised that malaria and typhoid becomes one of the most frequently treated ailments today especially in Nigeria.   I was a victim of this twin  disease but with coming  of knowledge and use of natural foods already found in our region, I was able to overcome their frequent attacks.  

 Here are some of the common foods to start including in your diet if you suspect or starts feeling those symptoms and what are those symptoms the most common symptom of malaria and typhoid are:



Loss of appetite

Sluggishness and frequently sleeping


Body pains

The above are symptoms and more. They are some of the most common signs that the parasites of malaria may be in the body.   However,  the most and best ans surest way to have a test done because these symptoms also represent other illnesses and not just malaria and typhoid and so it is always better to be sure before going for malaria drugs most people just go for antibioticd as soon as they suspect mild symptoms.  

Here are my 16 Top Foods to Reverse Malaria and Typhoid fever:

1.  Lemongrass tea: 

 Lemongrass tea can be made by boiling the leaves of the fresh or dried  leaves of the lemon grass plant which wecan usually get from our backyards or around the house it is easy to plant lemongrass by just cutting part of any living lemon grass and using the head of it to put in the soil allowing sand to cover it and then water initially.  In  in a few days it may begin to sprout from there.   The lemon grass is popular for it's ability to reverse inflammations arising from several other factors including malaria and typhoid so it is one of the top herbs whenever you're feeling some of these symptoms like coldness, pains not being able to sleep which is some of the symptoms of malaria lemon grass tea is able to resolve all these including those arising  from  malaria and typhoid.  Making the tea is easy you can just wash the leaves a  handful of the leaves put in the pot and then sometimes you may add fresh leaves of the guava leaves you can also add the hibiscus flower tea to go with it for added synergy and benefits to the tea it helps to  ward off the symptoms area and if there is shortage of blood or iron deficiency the guava leaves and the hibiscus flower will also help to support that because whenever we are fighting any disease it is good to fight from all fronts to ensure that we attack it because sometimes iron deficiency may also be hiding behind the corner sponsoring the problem or the symptoms such as coldness so that is one of the reason why we should back it up with some of these other herbs to make it more effective.   Remember also to consume sufficient protein after taking such if you need to get result.

2.  Pawpaw Leaves tea:  

Fresh leaves taken from the papaya fruit or the papaya tree is also effective in reversing malaria or typhoid.  When you suspect those symptoms it is very bitter and it's a source of some nutrients too bitter foods are great when you suspect malaria and typhoid and papaya leaves is one of such bitter herbs that have to strengthen our liver and other organs to be able to reverse those symptoms and another area that papaya leaves helps is in helping you sleep because sleep itself is medicine most of these diseases attacks us and brings in things like not being able to sleep which makes it worse like triggering the rise in blood sugar and blood pressure,  Including or making tea from the leaves of papaya leaves usually helps in reversing the symptoms.  Use the fresh leaves wash and add to the pot, add clean water and boil for about 15 minutes on a medium gas fire. 

3.  Fermented Millet Pap:

Many people may be wondering  what has fermented millet pap got to do with malaria and typhoid, yes when taking most hash herbs we need protein buffers such as fermented foods to help replenish our gut as most of these herbs also operate like antibiotics.  the strong bacterials used and other harmful agents in the body and in doing this most times our gut health is affected and left unprotected fermented millet is a source of protein it does not produce gas.  it is  easily digested and helps  to support our intestine,  yes sometimes,   the delicate gut could be weakened by too much hash spices and herbs like many people do.  so most times also we are not able to make or  digest  fatty foods and fermented millet is one food with fiber and protein which is also gentle on the gut it is one of the few foods that you can prepare and take moderately until your body  recovers.  You can easily make the millet pap yourself by fermenting it and on the third day you take to grinder and then after that you save it just like we do our corn pap and begin to take it after preparing wirh boiled water as pap moderately,  not too much you can store it in your fridge or you can be changing the water for a few days in order to preserve it because the fermentation of it has already put it in a form of preservation

4. Apple Cider Vinegar:  

Apple cider vinegar is made from  fermented apple with a very sour taste and a little percentage of acetic acid in it and because of that our taste most times does permit us to eat  when malaria and typhoid attacks people they do not have appetite to eat and the reason for not having appetite is because yeast and other harmful agents has taken over the gut and our intestine so our stomach is not able to produce acid for digestion because of all those  harmful agents that are already in the  stomach, so taking apple cider in the morning before food helps to remove and  reduce their acidity and then help the stomach to produce acid I mean to produce acid which makes us begin to have that appetite for food and then the stomach also will be ready for digestion but we must not take too much of it moderately and it shouldn't be a daily food like some people do take it.  but 4 or 5  times in a week maximum depends also  on how you are going with it because too much may also begin to give you some other uncomfortable symptoms

5 Cloves:

These tiny buds are also powerful in reversing malaria and typhoid especially when you make tea out of it or chew it after a starchy meal.  It helps in reducing blood sugar, thinning the blood, warding off inflammations and pains  and  killing off yeasts and bacterias which are some of the sponsors of those malaria and typhoid symptoms.

6. Kudin Tea

This  is another bitter Chinese tea which helps in reversing inflammations and strengthening our immune system. I usually use about 3 to 4 sticks of the tea, brew and drink whenever I feel like boosting my Immunity.

7. Guava Leaves Tea: 

Guava leaves  from the purple guava is known for its numerous health benefits, such reducing inflammation, reducing blood sugar and a source of iron too.  Making tea from the leaves by boiling about 7 fresh leaves and drinking  before or after meals helps ward off cough and improve sleep generally, we know that malaria and typhoid also sometimes comes with cough.

8. Dandelion tea:  

Dandelion is a great liver supporting herb and its great for kidney health and being a good source of potassium helps in managing high blood pressure.  You can make tea from the fresh leaves or dried as I often do since I do not have the fresh leaves around.  The dried leaves is very effective too.  Supporting the liver and kidney function is a great way to reverse most diseases including malaria and typhoid.

9. Oregano tea

Another powerful herb to start drinking as tea if you have or suspect malaria is around is oregano tea, it is a warming herb and warming the body is a great way to fight diseases including cancers, malaria and typhoid.  Oregano is known to contain vitamin K which makes it friendly for those managing stomach ulcers or trying to heal of ulcers too.  It may prevent ulcers from bleeding because of this nutrient. If you cannot get the fresh oregano leaves, the dried leaves is effective too and its what I use, whether in tea bags or just ground or dried leaves.  It kills bacteria causing infection and destroys yeasts too.  It is also a calminative.

10. Pineaple Peels:

Pineapples or  the pills is a great food or drink to include in your diet if you want to reverse malaria and typhoid fever you can eat the fresh pineapple but because of sugar wash, you can also make tea from the peels or you can add it to your hibiscus flower tea as it is also a taste enhancer using the peels because the peels has less sugar than the fruit and it also contains some amount of bromelin which helps  in digesting  proteins especially those from beans and other starchy foods which may be creating inflammations or supporting inflammations and painful joints in the body and so pineapple peels is a great way as you make tea out of it and even adding hibiscus leaves to get also some essential nutrients because when most nutrients are lacking in the body, that is exactly one of the reasons why some diseases resist treatment and not  going because the nutrients the body needs to heal are  not available so when we take things like this, until we take healing drinks naturally such as tea made from the peels of pineaple.

11. Fennel  seeds Tea:  

Fennel seeds is  also great when you make tea from The Seeds of the fennel,  the fennel is great in helping the body reverse diseases like malaria and typhoid as it also aid digestion,, it has some amount of Iron and calcium which is needed to fight iff diseases it's also aids metabolism  helping the body to produce digestive juice which is most times lacking or missing when malaria and typhoid attacks we have loss of appetite and we are not able to digest our food easily,   taking fennel tea  is also a great way to tackle constipation and when constipation is nor allowed to have an upper hand by  making tea from the seeds of fennel, it will help to ward off constipation and in the long run, reverses those  malaria and typhoid symptoms.

12. Fenugreek Oil:

Fenugreek seeds or fenugreek oil is also a great support.  It is a gentle seed and  one of the reason I like it because those days when diseases like malaria and typhoid attacks our intestine appeared to be very tender and using fenugreek seeds either by soaking the seeds  will not spike our sugar and it has some little amount of protein and then the oil particularly is what I  use because it is always readily available,   I'm talking of the fenugreek essential oil it's great for also helping breakdown cholesterol and tackling constipation if we can remove constipation then it means we are able to deal with malaria and typhoid because sometime they come with chronic constipation and so  fenugreek  oil is one of the oils that I take on my empty stomach after having my water therapy or with lemon juice or sometimes before the water therapy.

13.  Raw Garlic:

The ability of garlic to reverse many diseases including malaria and typhoid is not in doubt any longer because of its special agents like the Allisin,  its  antifunga property is a great addition to tackling  resistant strain of bacteria that helps  to sponsor diseases like typhoid and even malaria and so having the purple garlic like two or three chewing on empty stomach in the morning do consistently for about 3 or 4 days and following it up with water you will notice that the viral load would have reduced after 3 days of doing this thing or even more days sometimes you can extend it to seven oe eight days but within 3 days, you would have started seeing result.

14. Ginger:

It is a great anti-inflammatory and  helps to reverse things like pains,  all kinds of pains combine  it with your turmeric small amount of tumeric but ginger has more effect when it comes to malaria and typhoid and so we can include it being a circulatory food because we need better blood circulation when dealing with diseases and helps  to reverse  inflammation's and kill off   yeast also helping the stomach to produce digestive juice, once we are eating the right food and our appetite is up again it helps to reverse all kinds of diseases because the body uses  this food in order to work and repair.  It heals itself.

15.  Efirin and bitterleaf:

If you have access to the fresh  scent leaf  as  some people call it.   It is  a great  stomach aid because it's a friend of the stomach it works both ways whether it is diarrhea, it deals with it because sometimes diseases and  some of the ailments  come with diarrhea. not just constipation,  It  helps to reduce constipation as well and so  using it helps to reduce blood sugar because blood sugar in the blood.   Combine it with a little bitter Leaf makes  a great support for our key organs like the kidney and the Liver you can wash it,  and drink to start the day you know that to start fighting the disease firstly it will reduce the blood sugars and those bacteria causing diarrhea  it is also able to destroy them in case its diarrhea because some people also have diarrhea as the symptom which I have also experienced in the past especially while using frequent antibiotics to destroy them.

16.  Lemon Juice on Warm water,:

Adding the juice of half a lemon to your warm water therapy in the morning before you start your day is also a great way that alkalines body and then reduce c your cholesterol levels and all those factors that contributes to inflammation and diseases.   Using the lemon juice about half a lemon helps also in boosting the immunity and then reversing diseases and reducing and  weakening their chances of overcoming us which is the host so I often do this each time I suspect my immune  system is weak it will prevent things like coughing as well which often comes with malaria and typhoid and a lot of other benefits including the antioxidant vitamin C which is present in the lemon juice naturally occurring.


The best way to benefit from these  16 foods is by incorporating them into our diet on a regular basis so as to strengthen our immune  system and prevent the diseases from occurring.  it is not okay to try to put everything together as that can do little or nothing immediately after we have already come under attack they are best as preventive measures and that is reversing the symptoms but if we neglect them and come under heavy attack of malaria and typhoid it is best to go to the hospital  and be safe first before we start to use the herbal  remedies they are best when we are hale and heartyand should be taken moderately.

Saturday 6 April 2024

Managing Diabetes Naturally

Managing Diabetes Naturally


1. What is diabetes - an overview
2. Types of diabetes

3. How do I know If I have diabetes
4. What causes high blood sugar
5. Type 1 and type 2 diabetes explained
6. The symptoms of low glucose in type 1 diabetes
7. Common. Symptoms of type 2 diabetes
8. Causes of type 2 diabetes
9. Effects of Raised insulin
10. Risk factors in type 2 diabetes
11. How can I cut my risk or avoid diabetes
12. How do I reverse diabetes naturally
13. Top 41 foods that can reverse diabetes - copy
14. What if I suddenly feel that my sugar is low?
15. Foods that help control blood sugar
16. Fruits and diabetes
17. Spices for diabetes
18. Best seeds for diabetes
19. Best herbs for diabetes
20. Breakfast ideas for diabetes
21. Lunch ideas for diabetes
22. Best bedtime snacks for diabetes
23. Essential oils for diabetes
24. What about fermented foods
25. General tips on how to say No to diabetes.


Diabetes is the biggest health epidemic we have and the standard medical treatment is focused on medications and insulin and it's simply the WRONG approach. Restoring healthy blood sugar levels and reversing diabetes is simple if you give your body what it needs. In the 3 days before us, we shall look at diabetes generally but more focus shall be on type 2 diabetes which effect the elderly more.

1. What is diabetes?
(An Overview)

Diabetes is a chronic, often debilitating and sometimes fatal disease, in which the body either cannot produce insulin or cannot properly use the insulin it produces. Insulin is a hormone that controls the amount of glucose (sugar) in the blood. Diabetes leads to high blood sugar levels, which can damage organs, blood vessels and nerves. The body needs insulin to use sugar as an energy source. It is a situation where the sugar level of the blood goes beyond normal. 

Diabetes could be very deceptive in the sense that one may not feel sick as the blood sugar rises higher than normal, but rising sugar levels can damage blood vessels in no time. Blood vessels are to the body what fuel hoses are to a vehicle. Imagine them being damaged.

Diabetes is a defect in the body’s ability to convert glucose (sugar) to energy. Glucose is the main source of fuel for our body. When food is digested it is changed into fats, protein, or carbohydrates. Foods that affect blood sugars are called carbohydrates. Carbohydrates, when digested, change to glucose.

When we consume carbohydrates, they are broken into the form of energy which the body recognizes and utilizes called Glucose. Glucose is then transferred to the blood where the cells use them for energy. For this transfer to take place, insulin is needed. The organ than produces this insulin is known as pancreas. They are produced by the better cells in the pancreas.

When a person develops diabetes, the process is somewhat truncated. When production of insulin is insufficient, diabetes develops. This is not a palatable condition to live in or live with.


Diabetes is the biggest health epidemic we have and the standard medical treatment is focused on medications and insulin and it's simply the WRONG approach. Restoring healthy blood sugar levels and reversing diabetes is simple if you give your body what it needs. In the 3 days before us, we shall look at diabetes generally but more focus shall be on type 2 diabetes which effect the elderly more.

2. Types of Diabetes

Two popular types of diabetes are known. Type 1 and 11, though a third one gestational diabetes which occurs during pregnancy exists, but not popular as it goes after the gestation period. However it is said that people who have gestational diabetes are more likely to suffer diabetes later in life.

In this Dia ussil, we shall focus more on Type 2 diabetes which affects the mature adult more.

4. How do I know If I have diabete? there are verious signs that signals the onset of diabetes, however it is not enough to label ourself a diabetic just because you are experiencing one or more of the symptoms of diabetes. It is proper to undergo a proper medical examination and confirmatory tests before dying you are diabetic.

To diagnose type 1 and type 2 diabetes

Your doctor or other healthcare provider will order urine and blood tests to find out if you have diabetes. There are several different types of blood tests used to diagnose diabetes.
Fasting blood sugar test : After fasting for 12-hours a glucose level is checked in your blood. If it is high, it is indicative of diabetes.
Hemoglobin A1C test : This test tells your doctor how your average blood glucose level has been over the past 2-3 months.
Normal ranges for HbA1c are between 4% and 5.6%.
HbA1c levels that range from 5.7% to 6.4% indicates increased risk of diabetes.
HbA1c levels higher than 6.5% indicate diabetes, while higher percentages indicate either worsening diabetic disease or poor response to diabetic treatments.
Random blood sugar test: This is a test of your blood sugar at the moment your blood is drawn, but this number can vary greatly based on when you last ate. These and any other confirmatory tests that your health care provider may deem fit.

4. Distinct Types of Diabetes have been identified.

In the continuous search for solution on Managing Diabetes as one of the disease challenging humanity, a group of researchers came up with more distinct types of diabetes to help improve on its management 

The study revealed five distinct forms of diabetes, three of which were severe and two that were mild. The team categorized these as follows:

Cluster 1 : severe autoimmune diabetes (curr known as type 1 diabetes), characterized by insulin deficiency and the presence of autoantibodies. This was identified in 6–15 percent of subjects.

Cluster 2 : severe insulin-deficient diabetes, characterized by younger age, insulin deficiency and poor metabolic control, but no autoantibodies. This was identified in 9–20 percent of subjects.

Cluster 3 : severe insulin-resistant diabetes, characterized by severe insulin resistance an significantly higher risk of kidney disease. Thi was identified in 11–17 percent of subjects.

Cluster 4 : mild obesity-related diabetes, most common in obese individuals. This affected 123 percent of subjects.
Cluster 5 : mild age-related diabetes, most common in elderly individuals. This was the common form, affecting 39–47 percent of subjects.
The researchers note that each of these five types "were also genetically distinct," meaning that there were no genetic mutations that were shared across all five clusters.

5. What causes high blood Sugar? 

A number of things can cause blood sugar to rise hyperglycemia:

In a knotsheln, if you have type 1, you may not have given yourself enough insulin.
If you have type 2, your body may have enough insulin, but it is not as effective as it should be.

You ate more than planned or exercised less than planned.
You have stress from an illness, such as a cold or flu.
You have other stress, such as family conflicts or school or dating problem.

6. *Type 1 and Type 11 Diabetes explained* 

In type 1 diabetes, the immune system mistakenly attacks the pancreatic beta cells, which produce insulin. They do not know what causes this to happen, but scientists believe childhood infections may play a role.

The immune system destroys these cells, which means that the body can no longer make enough insulin to regulate blood glucose levels. A person with type 1 diabetes will need to use supplemental insulin from the time they receive the diagnosis and for the rest of their life.

Type 1 often affects children and young adults, but it can happen later in life. It can start suddenly, and it tends to worsen quickly.

In type 2 diabetes, the body's cells start to resist the effects of insulin. In time, the body stops producing enough insulin, so it can no longer use glucose effectively.

This means glucose cannot enter the cells. Instead, it builds up in the blood.

7. The signs and symptoms of low blood glucose in type 1 or 11 are easy to recognize, the common symptoms include:

Rapid heartbeat 
Whiteness of skin
Numbness in fingers, toes, and lips
Slurred speech and some unexplainable uneasiness.

8. Common Symptoms of type 2 diabetes include:* 

1. Frequent urination
2. Increased taste
3. Always feeling hungry
4. Blurred vision
5. Slowed healing of
6. Tingling. Numbness.
      or pain in the hands or feet
7. Always feeling tired
8. Itching and frequent yeast infection
9. Insomnia due to poor circulation
10. Patches and dryness on the skin

*9. Risk Factors for Type 2 Diabetes* 

There are several factors that predisposes a person to type 2 diabetes. Fortunately some are preventable or can be reduced, while some factors, cannot be helped or reduced. 

Risk factors that a person can reduce include their cholesterol levels and weight.

Having higher levels of bad cholesterol and excess weight both increase the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.
People can reduce some, but not all, of their risk factors for type 2 diabetes.

Risk factors that a person cannot change include:

 *Age* : Older people have a higher risk of developing diabetes than young people.

 *Race* : American Indians, African Americans, Native Hawaiians, Mexican Americans, Pacific Islanders, and Asian Americans have been known to be at a
higher risk of diabetes.

 *Family history* : Having a close family member, such as a sibling or parent, with type 2 diabetes increases a person's risk.

 *Gestational diabetes:* Women who develop gestational diabetes during pregnancy are at greater risk of type 2 diabetes.

10. How can I cut my risk or prevent diabetes. 

To say the truth most Elderly folks that are not exercising enough have almost 100% chance of being diabetic, however being aware of diabetes may ward it off or delay it's onset

Here are a few things to do, to reduce the chance of early diabetes:

Following are the 11 easy ways to cut the risk.
. Cut your calorie intake
. Strictly avoid processed foods
. Do not skip breakfast
. Avoid long gap between meals
. Include more complex carbs and protein in your diet
. Maintain your ideal body weight
. Walk more, sit less
. Cut down your screen
Eat nutrient dense foods
. Take out at least 20 minutes for physical activity daily. Go for a brisk walk and exercise
Reduce caffeine
Include healthy fats
Be aware of diabetes, get knowledge about diabetes, such as this 
. Get enough sleep
. Take part in de-stressing activities like playing a sport

11. What If I suddenly noticed that my sugar is low.

I have I some occasions noticed that my energy level suddenly dropped showing sign of low sugar or lor BP. I usually get some natural foods that are handily to eat for quick energy. Though many times the food needed may not be on hand but, if we thing we be exposed to hunger or empty stomach for a long time. As a mature adult. Better go prepared with something in your handbag to help in case of sudden low sugar,

Mild cases of hypoglycemia can be treated by drinking orange juice or eating a glucose tablet—those will quickly raise your blood glucose level.

On the medical side, If you have been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes and you take insulin, you should always carry glucagon with you—should you become unresponsive or unconscious because of hypoglycemia, you will need a quick injection of glucagon. Glucagon is a hormone that starts a process in your body that raises your blood glucose level. Though we are more concerned on Managing it naturally, one orange juice as earlier stated can also help raise glucose level

*12 Foods that help control blood sugar Naturally* 

 *1. Cinnamon* 

Ceylon Cinnamon (“true cinnamon”) is the best choice as this type of cinnamon is more closely associated with potential health benefits involving blood sugar regulation.

Due to the lower sugar levels while using cinnamon, some physicians recommend avoiding other supplements on the list such as fenugreek, garlic, bitter melon, and ginseng.

02. *Okro* 

A medical study from 2011 showed that okra helped reduce the absorption of glucose and lowered blood sugar levels in rats. Another study on rats was conducted showed positive effect on diabetes. I have personally employed regular consumption of okro soup on few occasions to ward off diabetic symptoms. Ensure not to overcook your okro. Soaking fresh okra overnight is another popular okro remedy for diabetes which I am yet to try.

3 Garlic (Allium)* 

Several research is showing that taking garlic can help you manage the symptoms of type 2 diabetes.

A comparison of studies into the antidiabetic effect of garlic found that garlic supplementation helps to reduce blood glucose levels. 

I personally noticed at a time when I was taking garlic regularly at night manage dental and gum issues and still chew garlic in the morning with honey. After which I took Tumeric and ginger tea or cocoa and cinnamon over a week or two, I started experiencing low blood sugar at night. Through studies and the Grace of God. I found out and withdrew the excess.   

Some trials on tablets of dry garlic powder were effective in controlling diabetes symptoms. Other trials found that garlic capsules enhanced with allicin were also effective in managing type 2 diabetes.

Studies using rats found that aged garlic extracts have a strong antidiabetic effect. Scientists noted that aged garlic extract (AGE) were just as potent as fresh garlic in helping to lower blood sugar glucose.

4 *Ginger Root* 

Ginger root is one of the most common anti inflammatory spice in our local market today due to its versatile role in Managing several ailments ranging from cough. Pains, cold and of cause diabete is not left out.

Ginger root can be consumed raw, powdered, extracted into oil and liquids, and in an extracted supplement form. It also has been suggested to help with nausea, heartburn, bronchitis and menstrual symptoms

*5. Mystleotoe* 

According to organic facts website, The anti-diabetic potential of this herb is a relatively new area of research, but it has been practised traditionally for generations. An animal study shows that it does have the ability to lower blood glucose levels in laboratory tests, and other findings have shown that the extract stimulated insulin production in pancreatic cells, helping to regulate the levels in the body and lessening the severity of the disorder. It is commonly prescribed as a natural remedy for people with diabetes. 

My experience with mysloetoe shows that the tea will surely exbit positive effect on diabetes considering the fact that it calms you down, improves blood circulation and makes you have a restful sleep. No double quality sleep helps the body in Managing sugar generally.

*6. Olive oil:* 

This stuff is liquid gold. In fact, it contains an anti- inflammatory component so strong that researchers liken it to aspirin. This may be one reason why people who follow a Mediterranean diet—a traditional way of eating that emphasizes olive oil along with produce, whole grains, and lean meat—have such low rates of heart disease and diabetes, both of which are linked with inflammation. Unlike butter, the good fat in olive oil won’t increase insulin resistance and may even help reverse it. A touch of olive oil also slows digestion, so your meal is less likely to spike your glucose. Dribble it on salads, baked potatoes, pasta…just about anything.

 7. Peanut butter:* 

One study found that eating peanut butter dampens the appetite for up to 2 hours longer than a low-fibre, high-carb snack, making this childhood favorite a grown-up weight-loss ally. The monounsaturated fats in PB also help control blood sugar.

 *8. Sweet potatoes:* 

A baked sweet potato instead of a baked white potato, and your blood sugar will rise about 30 percent less. Sweet potatoes are packed with nutrients and disease- fighting fibre, almost 40 percent of which is the soluble kind that lowers cholesterol and slows digestion. They’re also extra rich in carotenoids, orange and yellow pigments that play

 *9. Greens:* 

Remember that green vegetables are not left out. Most are fibre rich and low in calorie too, just right for you whether managing diabetes or preventing it.

10. Cold-Water Fish* 

Those who suffer from diabetes are twice more likely to suffer also from heart disease. A diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids found in cold water fish, can help to lower “bad “cholesterol and raise your “good” cholesterol.

Seafood is a great source for omega 3, such as: halibut, herring, mackerel, oysters, salmon, sardines, trout, tuna and cod.

Vegetables, especially green leafy ones, such as: kale, parsley, mint, Brussels sprouts, spinach and watercress, are rich in ALA, one form of omega-3 fatty acids (although ALA isn’t as powerful as the other omega 3 fatty acids, DHA and EPA)
*11. Bitterleaf* 

Bitter leaf is a very bitter herb often neglected but great for those aiming to reduce their blood sugar. I prefer it raw, best taken empty stomach after wash to reduce the bitters. It works fast too. Never drink the bitter leaf water after the first washing. It actually contains some acids that may be harmful. It is also used in cooking soups, however, for reducing blood sugar., it is better to Consume raw after washing.

*12. Curry Leaves* 

Another popular ingredient in the Indian spice rack, curry leaves help to stabilize blood glucose levels and impact carbohydrate metabolism. An Indian study published in International Journal of Development Research studied in detail the effects curry leaves have on diabetes type 2 . According to the research data, curry leaves contain a phytochemical that can help control blood sugar level byin patients with Diabetes type 2 by reducing fasting and postprandial blood sugar level. Diabetic rats given a dose of about 12gm /day for a month revealed that curry leaves may treat diabetes by influencing carbohydrate metabolism and improving liver and kidney function. Also, the amazing antioxidant properties of curry leaves can boost pancreatic cell production, thereby improving insulin function.

*13. Black seeds* 

We all know that blackseed either ground as powder and added to teas and other cereals increases antioxidants level in the body which Early research shows that taking black seed powder can improve blood sugar levels in people with diabetes. Black seed might also improve levels of cholesterol in people with diabetes. Doses of 2 grams daily seem to be needed for any benefit.

*14. Rosemary* 

An aromatic herb that is used commonly to add flavor and aroma to meats and soups, Rosemary also helps normalize blood sugar levels naturally. It promotes weight loss as well, which is a double boon for many diabetics who struggle with weight issues. A research conducted in Jordan to study the effects of rosemary on lipid profile in diabetic rats proved that rosemary has no significant influence on serum glucose level and lipid profile of normal rats. But when rosemary extract was administered to diabetic rats for 4 weeks, their blood sugar levels reduced by 20%, cholesterol levels by 22%, triglyceride levels by 24%, and LDL by 27% while HDL increased by 18% respectively. The study was published in African Journal of Plant Science Vol. 6 in 2012.

*15. Chicken or turkey:* 

These meats can be high-fat disasters or perfectlys healthy fare. It all depends on the cut and how it’s prepared. Breast meat, whether ground or whole, is always lower in fat than dark meat such as thighs and drumsticks. Never eat the skin because of its high saturated fat content, and when buying ground turkey, make sure the package says ground turkey breast.

 *16. Eggs:* 

Eggs are another excellent, inexpensive source of high-quality protein—so high, in fact, that egg protein is the gold standard nutritionists use to rank all other proteins. An egg or two won’t raise your cholesterol, and will keep you feeling full and satisfied for hours afterward. Such a magic food deserves a little sleight of hand in its preparation.

 *17. Fish:* 

The single deadliest complications of diabetes is heart disease, and eating fish just once a week can reduce your risk by 40 per cent, according to a Harvard School of Public Health study. The fatty acids in fish reduce inflammation in the body —a major contributor to coronary disease—as well as insulin resistance and diabetes. And unless you’re pregnant, don’t worry too much about potential chemical contaminants. An exhaustive review of the scientific literature on fish and human health by Harvard researchers led to the conclusion that eating it far outweighs any accompanying risks.

 *18. Flaxseed:* 

 these shiny brown seeds hit the diabetes trifecta: They’re rich in protein, fibre, and good fats similar to the kind found in fish. They’re also a source of magnesium, a mineral that’s key to blood-sugar control because it helps cells use insulin. Ground flaxseed spoils quickly, so buy whole seeds in bulk, keep in the fridge, and grind as needed.

 *19. Milk and yogurt:* 

 Both are rich in protein and calcium, which studies show may help people lose weight. And diets that include plenty of dairy may fight insulin resistance, a core problem behind diabetes. Go low-fat or fat-free, though. If you don’t like the taste of skim milk, try 1 percent. It’s a little thicker and creamier

*20. Pulses* 

Legumes such as lentils, peas, beans and chickpeas are low in fat and calories and also rich in fiber and protein.

These fibre slows the absorption of sugar into the blood and reduces the glycemic load. They are a great addition to soups, salads and a variety of other dishes.

*21. Raw Cacao Powder* 

Cacao powder comes from grinding up cacao beans aftera removing the cocoa butter (cocoa fat). Cacao powder is claimed to be a superfood because it contains naturally occurring antioxidants with many health benefits.

Flavoniols in products containing high levels of cacao can help to manage many of the symptoms of diabetes.

Naturally occurring Antioxidants and flavonoids in cacao extracts have an anti-diabetic effect. Cocoa flavonoids can improve insulin sensitivity and reduce blood fat levels (lipids). Researchers suggested that daily consumption of unsweetened dark cacao powder that contains high levels of cacao could help manage type 2 diabetes.

*22. Oatmeal* 

Oats contain a high percentage of fiber, B vitamins (especially B1), vitamin E and other antioxidant that Supports energy production which is sometimes lacking in diabetics.

Some recent Studies found that oatmeal may help to reduce the amount of insulin diabetics require. In the study, people with type 2 diabetes consumed oatmeal for 2 days. Researchers noted that because of the meals containing oats, the diabetics needed less insulin. Better to sprinkle a dash of cinnamon and some nuts do as to make it better breakfast for diabetes

*14. Fruits and Diabetes* 

Fruits have carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, and fiber. They are naturally low in fat (except for avocados) and sodium. Most fruits have more carbs than do vegetables.

 *Best Choices:** 

Plain fruits such as apples and oranges not more than one a day
Fresh fruit
Garden egg
Pineaples in moderation and occasionally 
100% fruit juice, and best juiced with the fibre like carrot and paired with non sweet fruit.
Pears. Ube, or English pears in moderstion
Most low calorie and seasonal fruits for diabetics if taken in moderation and at the right time. 

 *Worst Choices:* 

Canned fruit with heavy sugar syrup
Chewy fruit rolls
Regular jam, jelly, and preserves (unless portion is kept small)
Riped pawpaw unless mixed with cinnamon after a workout
Bananas occasionally, best, before, during or just after a workout. 
Sweetened fruit juices
Fruit punch,
 fruit drinks, fruit juice drinks

15 Spices for diabetes* 

Cayenne peppee
Black pepper
Bell peppers
Sea salt

*16. Best seeds for diabetes* 

Mustard seeds
Black seeds
Fenugreek seeds
Fennel seeds
Abere seeds
African oil been seeds (ogbono seeds)
Pumpkin seeds
Moringa seeds
Chia seeds
Sesama seeds and most other seeds due to their low calorie, high antioxidant and nutrient density

*17. Best herbs for diabetes* 

Guava leaf
Pawpaw leaf
Bitter leaf
Neem leaf
Moringa leaf
Pumpkin leaves
Basil leaf
Stone breaker
Cotton wool leaf tea
Mango leaf
Lemon leaf
Mystletoe tea
Kudin tea
Corn silk and several others

*18. Best Teas for diabetes* 

Green tea
Mistletoe teo
Coffee - occasion due to caffeine
Pure cocoa
Black tea - occasional
Lemon grass tea
Hibiscus flower tea - zobo
Bay leaf tea
Soghurm tea
Moringa leaf tea
Peppermint tea
Rosemary tea
Barley tea
Most non caffeinated teas are good in moderation for diabetes due to their low calorie nature and being a source of hydration

*19. What About fermented foods?* 

All fermented foods are good in moderation for diabetics as they are easily digestible and enhance nutrient absorption and help maintain healthy gut health which is necessary for diabetes management and prevention

The most common fermented foods around us are:

Ogiri - locust beans
Yoghurt - not the sugary and flavoured ones all over our shops and super markets
Fermented millet, or soghurm or kunu
African oil bean seed - ugbah
Garri - Ijebu or any fermented garri
Fermented green pawpaw
Recently we have added fermented okra as the real cure for diabetes, though I have not tried it, has any body in the house tried fermented okra for diabetes. I know it works even as Soup when used regularly to ward off diabetes. and many others.

*19. What About fermented foods?* 

All fermented foods are good in moderation for diabetics as they are easily digestible and enhance nutrient absorption and help maintain healthy gut health which is necessary for diabetes management and prevention

The most common fermented foods around us are:

Ogiri - locust beans
Yoghurt - not the sugary and flavoured ones all over our shops and super markets
Fermented millet, or soghurm or kunu
African oil bean seed - ugbah
Garri - Ijebu or any fermented garri
Fermented green pawpaw
Recently we have added fermented okra as the real cure for diabetes, though I have not tried it, has any body in the house tried fermented okra for diabetes. I know it works even as Soup when used regularly to ward off diabetes. and many others.

20.Include occasional bitters

Bitter leaf and other bitters: Most of us are usually concerned with consuming tasty meals, yes tasty meals are good but as you approach your 40s and 50s, taste should not be everything anymore but your health. Bitter leaf whether eaten raw, that is after washing it about twice, the leaves could be eaten raw or boiled in clean water and the water drunk occasionally during the week especially first thing in the morning, by doing this, you are saying NO to diabetes and blood sugar is regulated. This applies to other bitters too like bitter cola, bitter melon and the rest bitters. If you snack on these bitters occasionally

In summary, it is important to state that diabetics should keep healthy meals at regular intervals to avoid sharp drop or rise in blood sugar.