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Friday 5 May 2017

8 Reasons to keep Cinnamon Powder in Your Kitchen

If you are in the habit of just consuming only known foods and never try a new one, then you are definitely not on the part of health, your body needs variety, your body needs some new foods from time to time.

Cinnamon powder is not known to many Nigerians, but if you are over 40yrs. Then its time to monitor the following and watch what you eat:

1. High Cholesterol (bad fat)
2. Excess body weight
3. Excess sugar leading to Diabetes
4. Blood cloth
5. High Blood Pressure
6. Stomach Ulcers
7. Poor blood circulation
8. Arthritis and other Inflammatory diseases


Cinnamon powder is an inexpensive spice available in our markets, many are not aware that this singular spice can actually save your life, Cinnamon is beneficial in all the 8 points
mentioned above.

I have personally tried incorporating cinnamon powder into my regular diet, its working, in what ways:

In all the 8 points mentioned specifically:

1.  Constipation:

In cases of explainable indigestion, constipation or whatever, I have found Cinnamon Powder to the Rescue

2.      For Managing High Cholesterol:

Cinnamon powder is also beneficial. By the Many Nigerians over 40yrs are not even aware of their cholesterol status, High Cholesterol is not a disease, so its good to know your status and take steps nutritionally to avert crisis, many have, slumped and given up the ghost not because it was time but, because, they had symptoms, they had warnings, but neglected it. It is well, It is well is our usual confession. It will definitely be well,

3.    Guard Against Diabetes:

 It is difficult at later age in life to keep away permanently from , certain foods that we love, such foods like rice.  Why?  because,of because we must watch against diabetes, however cinnamon powder comes to the rescue when you consider that it will not only enhance the taste of your meal, but help with sugar response.

4.  As  a blood thinner: 

It helps keep our blood as liquid as possible in order to help avoid some diseases associated with your blood being thick.  When people suffer stroke, blood thinners are often given to them to avoid a re occurrence, however, if you are already on medication, it is well to stay with your medication, if you are however approaching those delicate years, prevention we know is better than cure.

5.  High Blood Pressure

Cinnamon powder is definitely not a cure, rather it is used as a preventive natural remedy.  During those sensitive years, when blood pressure is prone to arise too frequently even with little provocation,  it is necessary that we include foods like cinnamon powder as a taste enhancer due to the positive effect it will have on the blood pressure.

6.  Stomach Ulcers:

Unknown to many, they have ulcers in their stomach.  When carbonated beverages are consumed too frequently, these ulcers get worse.  Foods like white bread, sugar, unhealthy fats, prevents the ulcers from healing.  However, if spices like cinnamon powder is consumed regularly, these ulcers get healed unknown to us as well.

7.  Poor Blood Circulation:

The benefits of good circulation to the health of all cannot be over emphasized.  Spices as this are helpful in ensuring that blood circulates to all organs of the   body,  this helps boost immune system.

8.  Anti Inflammatory Benefits:

Inflammations is now known to be the cause of many diseases including arthritis.  Where it is not the direct cause, it makes it worse.  this medicinal food is anti inflammatory naturally and this makes it beneficial as an immune booster which helps fight many diseases including inflammatory diseases like arthritis.

Remember that moderation is the key,  you can also mix the powder in hot water and add honey to keep cold away. Remember however that moderation is the key.  Consuming large quantities of cinnamon powder regular without supervision will definitely give a counter effect.

  • but paying attention to your health especially what you eat, will make
  • it well.definitely make it well.


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