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Tuesday 23 October 2018

13 Confirmed Ways To Use Rose Essential oil

Highly complex, with more than 300 individual components, and, at 320 MHz , boasting the highest vibrational frequency of any essential oil, rose oil has been proven to act as an antidepressant and is consistently and successfully used to relieve stress and anxiety . Rose oil has also been found to help with headaches and sleep-related problems.

(Aromatherapy) Use a drop in a diffuser or oil burner to create an uplifting ambiance. Use in the morning to nurture energy, confidence and positivity; during meditation or yoga; or at times of anxiety and stress.
2. (Aromatherapy) At night, diffuse a mix of rose and lavender oils to improve sleep quality and aid relaxation .

1. (Aromatherapy) Use a drop in a diffuser or oil burner to create an uplifting ambiance. Use in the morning to nurture energy, confidence and positivity; during meditation or at times of anxiety and stress.

2. (Aromatherapy) At night, diffuse a mix of rose and lavender oils to improve sleep quality and aid relaxation .

Uplifting and calming, rose oil promotes feelings of inner peace, emotional balance, confidence and happiness . It is also one of the best known aphrodisiacs. Its aroma is sweet, deeply floral, with spicy notes. Pure rose oil is a highly concentrated liquid that crystalizes at a temperature of ~ 68 F. It's said to have a virtually permanent shelf life.

3. (Aromatherapy) Mix a few drops with bath salts or with coconut milk for a relaxing bath.

4. (Aromatherapy) Mix a couple of drops of rose oil with a carrier oil of your choice, such as jojoba or coconut, for a pure rose oil perfume. Apply to pulse points to instill emotional balance. Create a custom blend - rose oil pairs well with jasmine, sandalwood, chamomile,  and lavender.

5. (Skincare / Body) Blend a few drops in a carrier oil of your choice (almond, jojoba, grape-seed) and use after-shower to lock in moisture or for a pampering, romantic massage.

Because of its astringent and antiseptic properties, rose oil is beneficial in hydrating and toning the skin. It has the strongest anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties of any essential oil and has been found particularly helpful in soothing skin irritations and sensitivity, including acne, blemishes and rosacea.

6. (Skincare / Face) Mix a drop in your daily moisturizer to rejuvenate the skin and provide a boost of hydration. It promotes blood circulation and helps improve lines, dry and lackluster skin.

7. (Skincare / Body) Combine a few drops with coconut oil, shea butter and brown sugar for a rejuvenating body scrub. 

8. (Skincare / Body) Add a drop to body lotion to tone and hydrate the skin, and improve the appearance of stretch marks.

9. (Skincare / Treatment) Pat a drop of rose oil diluted with a small amount of coconut oil on acne-prone skin or blemishes a few times a day to speed healing time, minimize scaring and improve skin texture. You can use that same technique on wounds (burns or cuts) to help them heal faster.

10. (Skincare / Inhalation) Put a couple of drops in an almost-steaming bowl of water with other dried flowers and herbs (such as lavender, chamomile, rosehip) and use as a facial steam , or inhale to treat a cold and ease congestion .

The antiseptic and anti-microbial benefits of rose oil go beyond the skin. Its strong anti-microbial properties make it beneficial for strengthening hair and gum

12.  Sedative

Rose essential oil may calm down a patient with high fever by sedating the inflammation. It can also be beneficial in other cases of inflammation caused by microbial infection, ingestion of poisonous materials, indigestion, and dehydration. This can result in a reduction of associated condition

 13. Eliminates Bacteria

It is a good bactericide. It can be used in the treatment of typhoid , diarrhea, cholera, food poisoning, and other diseases which are caused by bacteria. Furthermore, it can cure internal bacterial infections like those in the colon, stomach, intestines, and urinary tract, as well as external infections on the skin, ears,  and eyes,

Powerful Ingredients That makes Rose Stand Out:

Citronellol – Known for its contribution to citronella, its most popular feature is as an effective mosquito repellant.

Geraniol – the powerhouse phytochemical that makes geranium and thyme so healing.

Citronellyl Acetate -This is where roses get their pleasant aroma, and is a key component of beauty products and fragrances.

Nerol – Hops and lemongrass also boast this antibiotic with a gentle, sweet aroma.

Eugenol -Found most richly in clov e, which is likely the most powerful antioxidant substance in existence.

Farnesol – A safe and natural pesticide, farnesol is found in ylang ylang, jasmine, and orange blossoms as well as rose essential oil.

Methyleugenol – A component of
lemon balm and cinnamon , it has local antiseptic and anesthetic

Rose oil is such a versatile oil worth trying




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