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Friday 23 June 2023

Top Health Benefits of Pawpaw Seeds


If you have been throwing pawpaw seeds away here are some  reasons you should start consuming your pawpaw seeds along with your papaya or start consuming it alone.  it has numerous health benefits, was actually throwing it away years back, but since I discovered the benefits of papaya seeds I have also included it and have stopped throwing everything  away.

1.  Constipation:  

if you suffer chronic constipation especially those associated with bacterial infection of the intestine,  it is advisable to start including papaya seeds in your diet moderately because it helps to kill bacteria and parasites especially intestinal parasites that usually contribute to chronic constipation in this case I just chew  about 7  or 8 seeds when I have such chronic constipation  depending  on the size.   Some seeds are large some seeds are small for smaller seeds one  can take as much 9 or 10 seeds.

2. Deworming; 

 Before now ,we are made to understand that we should severally deworm ourselves and  entire family, we have been engaged in all kinds of the deworming exercise but now we know that there are foods that can actually help reduce the number of worms and parasites in the intestine.   Truly speaking, it is not actually possible to eliminate all worms in the intestine it is not also possible to eliminate all the parasites but we can reduce their number especially the harmful ones and consuming papaya seeds is one of the ways to remove the unwanted parasites that does not benefit our health and our digestion instead of deworming with drugs  which may have other negative effects.  In this case, It is best on  empty stomach if we suspect that there are too many worms in intestine.

3.  Good for Skin:  

Papaya seeds is also rich in nutrients that supports healthy skin.   There are also some oils for skin that are made with the addition of papaya seeds  with high anti aging properties.  Consuming or chewing the seeds will deliver anti agibg effect and nutrients in the papaya seeds consuming this is also support  the skin and reduce wrinkles and signs of aging as the lotion does too.    The presence of Vitamins A and E in the seeds makes this happen.  I have actually used papaya seeds dried papaya seeds which is very good when you soak  with cold pressed coconut oil and allow for a few days after grinding  and drying it properly  makes a very good body lotion and moisturizer.

4.  Eyes;  

The presence of vitamin E in papaya seeds also make it makes it a good addition for those who are looking for foods to support their eyes we can moderately add  papaya seeds and it's very easy to even add it and you can chew  it with the fruit, some portion of the fruit which is also quite rich in vitamin A in order to increase the benefits.   I suggest prediabetics can chew  it alongside with some of the papaya seed especially for diabetics too  since it does not cause a spike in blood sugar.   We know that the fruit is high in sugar but chewing  the seeds in small amount can also help to improve insulin resistance and support diabetes and fight against diabetes.

5. Antioxidants:  

Antioxidants is important in the body to help fight free radicals such as those that cause cancers and other inflammations so if you're looking for how to increase antioxidants, consider including papaya seeds.   Antioxidants are those agents  that work against oxidative  agent that cause oxidative damage to healthy cells  in the body.   Papaya seeds is a good source of such antioxidants and the main antioxidants are  vitamin C , A and E, they  help to fight against free radicals  they are  important  part of the diet especially  for older adults who are often faced with fight against free radicals always.

6. Anti-inflammatory properties

 The seeds  are good in fighting inflammation such as those sponsored by  obesity  or excess body weight.  Those fighing or experiencing inflammation can can include papaya seeds moderately in their diet to help reduce the rate of inflammations because some inflammation and seen and some are visible outside.  Uncontrolled inflammation in the body are part of what leads to heart attack or stroke and all kinds of complications that may occur especially in the elderly including occasional papaya seeds in our diet is very simple and will help to reduce inflammation in the body generally.

7. May Reduce Insulin Resistance:  

I believe mother nature must have made provisions for those who cannot cope with the much sugar in the main fruit papaya fruit so  the seeds are quite high in fibre and nutrients that support fight against diabetes and even the pre-diabetics so they can enjoy moderately with or without the main fruit which is quite high in sugar but it's a great addition in fighting diseases such as inflammation and cancers but must be taken modestly because it's quite hot

8.  May Reduce Bad Cholesterol: 

 If you suspect you have it or you are being diagnosed with high cholesterol and  wondering what foods to use to reduce bad cholesterol you can consider including papaya seeds in moderation especially on empty stomach so that will be the best time to take it to enable it grip and pull out the cholesterol with its fibre


While  consuming this Healthy seeds to improve health we must take it to moderately it is best taken on empty stomach in the morning before food after water therapy .if you are taking it from this  purpose in order to get your expected result but you must consume modestly and is definitely not an everyday food because it's hot if you have tested it before you will know that  it is hot and not a common seed that one can enjoy daily or frequently like that but once in a while just choose some papaya seeds when you suspect that your head or your immune system is low or your antioxidant level is low so as to raise the antioxidants in your body in order to be able to fight


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