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Sunday 30 August 2015

See How a Woman Reversed Whit low Attack

What is Whit low?

Have you ever suffered a Whit low attack?  It usually manifests in the form of severe inflammations of the fingernails and very painful too.  It is actually an infection which usually attacks the fingernails and some severe cases leaves the affected fingernail disfigured.  It affects, male, female, young and old.  Usually hospitalization is always the quick and life saving effort by most victims.  However we advocate prevention and suggest natural remedies to shorten the duration of the attack, reverse, or even prevent the infection.

A Woman recently helped herself with the use of natural remedies affecting her nails, the disease could not be prolonged.  Mrs Ojonugwa is a 50 year old Nigerian Woman, who believes that  the body has all it takes to repair, restore, and heal itself no matter the disease given the right building materials.  In this case, she woke up on a cold weather, and found a swollen painful fingernail which she promptly applied the juice of a fresh lemon on the first day of the pain.  Before mid day, the pains had subsided, and she discontinued the use of the lime.  To her surprise the infection re enforced and became more swollen and painful the next day.


On the second day, by mid day she mixed the juice of half a lime in warm water and continued to sip gradually,  In about 3 hours, she got a fresh ginger crush about a teaspoon in hot water with half teaspoon of honey  in a glass and drank,  in about another 2 hours about 3 cloves of garlic was crushed and dipped in a small bottle filled with Cold Pressed  coconut oil.  she dipped the affected finger into the oil already mixed with crushed garlic.

She again crushed about two cloves of garlic with a little honey and drank two hours later.  At about 8.00pm She prepared fresh green vegetable and ate with about five lumps of millet.  One thousand miligram of Vitamin C was taken internally, and she retired to bed.  By midnight she got up to dip her hand in the coconut oil mixed with crushed garlic. By morning time,  The infection had bowed. She was already on the path of victory over the infection.  She continued with hot fluids mostly of green tea, ginger, and garlic the third day, and before six o.clock.  The infection was gone, and she could bend and use her finger nails as ever before. " Let food be thy Medicine, and medicine thy food" says Hippocrates, the founding father of natural medicine.


  1. With cigarette smoking causing more than <20% of the deaths in this region, there has to be a better solution than areas and pills to help you really. Rather than a solution that adds more chemicals to your system, we need a solution that takes away harmful chemicals while minimizing the craving for smokes.

    Juicing appears to be the best remedy. With a daily regimen associated with fresh juices (fruits along with vegetables), you can easily remove the poisons stored in the body due to smoking cigarettes and poor diets although making the body healthier. Removing these toxins (especially through cigarette smoke) will lower your craving for cigarettes in a very natural way.

    It is recommended which you include in your daily juicing program the following: at least five fresh glasses of juice (fruits in addition to vegetables); in addition , drink a glass of juice each time you crave a cigarette (instead of smoking cigarettes the cigarette). Celery, cucumber, apple, carrot, orange, grapefruit, rhubarbs, and green leafy vegetables.

    Always have your juicer and produce ready so you can react to a cigarette thirsting by quickly juicing. At first it's understandable if you have any cigarette or two; just try to substitute a glass of fresh juices in place of the cigarette regardly as you can. It will take some time to be able to overcome the habit; but the liquid will work more effectively than every other solution. You should find that your personal craving for cigarettes may diminish dramatically after the first days or two.
