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Saturday 1 August 2020

Managing Toothache Naturally


1. Introduction
2. Definition: what are teeth made of and what is Toothache
3. Key Functions of the
4. Important Facts about
     our oral health and teeth
5. Health Issues caused by poor oral health and teeth
6. THose at risk of poor teeth and oral problems

7. Common oral problems affecting our teeth (with images)
8. Worst foods for our teeth
9. Causes of toothache
10. Types of Toothache
11. Signs of a toothache spreading to the body

12 Best foods that supports strong teeth
13. Worst Foods for your teeth
14. Causes of Browning of teeth

15. Natural ways to whiten your teeth
16. Home Remedies against toothache
17. Never Have toothache again

It has become necessary to devote a whole seminar to talk about this small but one of the busiest of all organs in our body. Many of us underestimate the role of the teeth too much. Have you wondered why babies are ill whenever they are bringing out their teeth. Well to me, I believe that this is a signal that the child is getting ready for serious business. Nature is preparing the body for more serious work, chewing, grinding etc. Your teeth is your blender from heaven😆needing no man made power supply.

We cannot talk about the teeth in isolation of our oral health including the gum. So, in the course of this seminar, we shall discuss a little about the gum, oral health and finally Managing toothache naturally and Never have it again. Two Videos will added at the ends on foods that Supports strong teeth.

2. What are teeth?

Your teeth are made of a hard, bonelike material embedded in your mouth There are four parts:

Enamel, your tooth's hard surface
Dentin, the hard yellow part under the enamel
Cementum, the hard tissue that covers the root and keeps your teeth in place
Pulp, the soft connective tissue in the center of your tooth. It contains nerves and blood

3. Key Functions of the teeth

Apart from chewing, and grinding, did you know that the teeth also helps a person to:

1. use their mouth to Eat.
Smile, and
Give shape to their face.
It contributes to your beauty

 Each type of tooth has a name and a specific function.
Teeth are made up of different layers — enamel, dentin, pulp, and cementum.

4. Important Facts about our oral health and teeth you should know. 

1. The WHO website noted that Treatment for oral health conditions is expensive and usually not part of universal health coverage (UHC)

2. The condition of our oral health and teeth says how healthy we are

3. Most oral and teeth problems are easily preventable and treated with home remedies if detected and followed up early just like most ailments.

4. Most health problems first show up in our mouth, gums, throat and teeth. Examples are malaria, diabetes, warning of stroke, High BP, fever and other infections

*5. Health Issues caused by poor oral health.* 

It may come as a surprise to us that poor oral health and teeth are directly linked to our immune system. They can cause serious health problems, ranging from poor appetite, leading to poor nourishment and poor health. Popular health problems which I know they can cause includes but not limited to the following:

Rheumatoid Arthritis
Kidney disease
Erectile dysfunctiin
Pregnancy complications
Respiratory infections
Cardiovascular issue
Obesity and general low esteem

*6. Those at risk of toothache and oral problems.* 

 Toothache and oral disease are common among
 children* and
 Older adult,the cause of most toothaches in children are due to sugar, poor diet and hygiene, while the cause in adult are sometimes apart from sugar,and poor diet maybe warning signs of other more serious disease in the body.
 *Smokers and heavy drinkers* apart from children and older adults, Smokers, and heavy drinkers are also prone to oral problems, even if they are still young.

So fans, at the first sign of a toothache, attaching back, vigorously with the natural remedies that will be given before the end of this seminar is the best and most sustainable action against toothaches and oral problems.

*7. Common Oral Problems affecting our teeth* 

Common oral problems affecting our teeth.

Several forms of oral disease exist but we shall look at the most common types. 

 a. *Gum Disease* 

Gum, or periodontal, disease can cause inflammation, tooth loss and bone damage. Gum disease begins with a sticky film of bacteria called plaque. Gums in the early stage of disease, or gingivitis, can bleed easily and become red and swollen. As the disease progresses to periodontitis, teeth may fall out or need to be removed by a dentist. Gum disease is highly preventable and can usually be avoided by daily brushing and flossing. One indicator of gum disease is consistent bad breath or a bad taste in the mouth.

b *Periodontics* 

Periodontal simply means “the tissue around the teeth. Plaque is the most common element causing gum disease.

Unfortunately, periodontal-related problems are often discovered after they have persisted for an extended period of time. Proper oral hygiene, daily dental care and regular dental checkups 🙄will minimize the risk of gum disease. Gum disease ranges from mild (gingivitis) to moderate (periodontitis) to the severe (periodontitis). Treatments are available for every case of gum disease, but an ounce of prevention is better than cure. We believe in prevention.

8. Common Oral Problems affecting or teeth

Common oral problems affecting our teeth.

Several forms of oral disease exist but we shall look at the most common types. 

 a. *Gum Disease

Gum, or periodontal, disease can cause inflammation, tooth loss and bone damage. Gum disease begins with a sticky film of bacteria called plaque. Gums in the early stage of disease, or gingivitis, can bleed easily and become red and swollen. As the disease progresses to periodontitis, teeth may fall out or need to be removed by a dentist. Gum disease is highly preventable and can usually be avoided by daily brushing and flossing. One indicator of gum disease is consistent bad breath or a bad taste in the mouth.

b *Periodontics* 

Periodontal simply means “the tissue around the teeth. Plaque is the most common element causing gum disease.

Unfortunately, periodontal-related problems are often discovered after they have persisted for an extended period of time. Proper oral hygiene, daily dental care and regular dental checkups 🙄will minimize the risk of gum disease. Gum disease ranges from mild (gingivitis) to moderate (periodontitis) to the severe (periodontitis). Treatments are available for every case of gum disease, but an ounce of prevention is better than cure. We believe in prevention.

*9 * Types of Toothache** 

From the common tooth pain to sore gums, every dental problem has a deeper meaning and can lead to a bigger problem if not addressed in time. Here are a few of the common types of toothache or things that makes our tooth to ache.

Painful Gums

If your gums or the sides of your teeth pain when you drink hot or cold liquids or even breathe in cold air, then the likely reason is a cavity. Another reason behind this could also be that your gums have been drawn back and the roots of your teeth have been exposed. There are many reasons why this happens. It can either be due to bacteria or due to the clenching and grinding of your teeth. Brushing too forcefully with a hard toothbrush can also lead to painful gums.

Mouth Sores

Mouth sores are quite common. Painful mouth sores usually happen when we eat too much of spicy foods, hot foods or citrus items. If the pain does not disappear in two to three days, then it could be a sign of vitamin A deficiency. Vitamin A is required by the body to create collagen and connective tissues, what your tongue is made up of. Increase your consumption of foods rich in vitamin A, such as sweet potatoes, spinach, and carrots

Red or Swollen Gum 

Many times, bleeding or swollen red gums can be a side effect of pregnancy or hormonal changes in women. However, if you are not pregnant, then this can also be due to a buildup of bacteria in the mouth. If you find that even after 2-3 days of diligent brushing your symptoms are not going away, then a trip to the dentist needs to be scheduled.
Crooked Teeth or Falling Teeth

if your teeth become loose or crooked suddenly, or begin to fall out, then you can perhaps already determine that there is a major problem with your teeth. This is usually a sign of periodontal disease that leads to bone loss around your jaw and teeth. Periodontal disease happens when you are not cleaning your teeth properly. Due to improper cleaning of the teeth, a thin film called plaque forms on them. Over a period of time, such habits will lead to hardening of the plaque and become tartar. Tartar can spread into your gums and also to the bones around your mouth.

10. *Worst Foods for Your teeth* 

It is a known fact that sugar is bad for our teeth, however, many of do not know the sources of some sugar.

Here are some hidden sources of sugar that damage our teeth and cause gum disease:


Sugar comes in many guises on food labels, including:

corn sugar
high-fructose glucose syrup
maple syrup
agave syrup
invert sugar

While cereal-based products, especially wholegrains, form part of a healthy, balanced diet, high consumption of them can increase the risk of tooth decay and contribute to weight gain if eaten in excess.

Sweet offenders include:

iced cakes 
chocolate-coated biscuits 
frosted corn flakes
Golden morn etc

Salad dressings
Ketch up
Baked beans
Crackers and all other biscuits

All bottled soft drinks
Spot drinks
Most beverages. The list can go on.....
Some have argued that pap, Eko or agidi as they are locally called are not sources of sugar. But I tell you, they are. Moderation should be our guide if we must safeguard our teeth.

*11. Best Foods for our teeth* 

Here are some of the best foods for our teeth


It’s important to get enough calcium in your diet in order to protect your teeth and gums from disease. However, your body can’t absorb all that calcium if you don’t have enough vitamin D. Fatty fish (such a salmon) is a fantastic source of vitamin D, allowing your teeth and gums to get the full disease-fighting benefits of calcium from the foods you eat. Fish oil supplement is OK for a stronger teeth. It is one reason I recommend it to most mature adults in the house. 


This one may be a bit of a surprise, given oranges are a citrus fruit. However, the vitamin C in citrus strengthens blood vessels and connective tissue and slows down the progression of gum disease by reducing inflammation.

Go ahead and make oranges, grapefruits, and other citrus regular features in your fruit bowl, but just remember to wait at least half an hour before brushing your teeth after you eat citrus fruits.
This one may be a bit of a surprise, given oranges are a citrus fruit. However, the vitamin C in citrus strengthens blood vessels and connective tissue and slows down the progression of gum disease by reducing inflammation. Before now, I hardly take orange or regard it as important. But my view Changed when a few years back, I was having tootache that had lasted for more than three months, I hardly use that tooth. So when I traveled to see my mother in the village, spending about nine days. There was this orange tree in the compound, so I was taking about three to four Oranges daily, saying to myself. "Let me take enough before I return to my base (Lagos), exactly 
4 days of consistent taking of about 3 to 4 Oranges direct from the orange tree. Was in the kitchen cooking on the fifth day and that hurting tooth painlessly fell off my mouth, was shocked, went and checked, Fans, no more pains anywhere, I could chew with all my mouth, no pain anywhere. Reaffirming to my again that food truly is medicine. Have you had a Toothache in one corner of your mouth that lasted for two months or more, pls indicate. In my case, the orange was 100% organic. 

Go ahead and make oranges, grapefruits, and other citrus regular features in your fruit bowl, but just remember to wait at least half an hour before brushing your teeth after you eat citrus fruits.


Saliva is made up of 99.5% water. Dehydration can thicken your saliva, which wreaks havoc in the mouth.

Optimum levels of water in your saliva are essential to the breakdown of food, neutralising bacterial acid (hello morning breath!) and preventing tooth decay. While water still isn’t as good as a toothbrush and floss, it can still aid in reducing plaque by rinsing away food debris. Rinsing with water after drinking coffee or having other staining foods can help reduce staining to the teeth.

 **Most Fruits and vegetables* 

Don’t have a toothbrush handy? High-fibre fruits and vegetables are your next best option. Their high fibre content actually ‘scrubs’ the teeth similar to the way your toothbrush might and stimulates saliva production because of the extra chewing they require.

Salad greens pack an all-around healthy punch, with the high water content in crunchy, juicy fruits and vegetables also helping to offset their sugar content. Keep fresh carrots, celery, cucumber and apples (often referred to as ‘nature’s toothbrushes’) on hand at all times and your teeth will thank you!

 *Green and black tea* 

Polyphenols, which are found in green and black tea, interact with the bacteria that cause plaque by killing or suppressing them. Bacteria feed on the sugars in your mouth and, once they’ve had their feast, they excrete tooth enamel destroying acids. This makes tea a great choice for during or after a meal, since it suppresses the presence of these acid producing bacteria in the mouth.


As long as it’s at least 70% cacao, and eaten in moderation.

Dark chocolate or as we popularly call it here Pure Cocoa is a superfood for the teeth due to a compound called CBH which has shown to help harden tooth enamel, making your teeth less susceptible to tooth decay. However, not every kind of chocolate is good for you. The cocoa bean is what houses the good stuff – not the chocolate itself. Also ensure to use honey in moderation Chocolate
Yes, you heard right. Chocolate! As long as it’s at least 70% cacao, and eaten in moderation.

Dark chocolate or as we popularly call it Pure Cocoa is a superfood for the teeth due to a compound called CBH which has shown to help harden tooth enamel, making your teeth less susceptible to tooth decay. However, not every kind of chocolate is good for you. The cocoa bean is what houses the good stuff – not the chocolate itself. Also ensure to use honey in moderation because pure cocoa is bitter and naturally sugar free.

Other foods I have personally found beneficial to strong teeth and good oral health are cucumbers, carrots, apples, cold pressed coconut oil etc.

*12. Causes of Browning of teeth* 

There are many circumstances that can cause discolored teeth. Most of the time, the stains are “extrinsic,” affecting the tooth enamel alone, and can be corrected.

An example of extrinsic discoloration is stains caused by foods or beverages. Black tea or coffee; wines, both red and white;(e.g zobo) and darkly colored foods such as beets, Tumeric or chocolate are prime culprits.

*13. Natural ways to whiten your teeth

In case for one of more of the reasons given already, you found out, your teeth is Browning, here are some natural ways you can try one or more of them to help restore White teeth:

Lemon and salt
Mix a few drops of lemon juice and salt, apply the mixture on the strained tooth and rub the paste vigorously over your teet and gums leave on for a few minutes and rinse.

Try to eat one apply a day to help get rid of yellow and stained teeth

Orange peels

Rub orange peels every night before going to bed. But ensure it's organic orange otherwise do not use this remedy. So many Oranges are sprayed with harmful chemicals

Baking soda
Add a little to paste or coconut oil, overtime, you will notice brighter teeth

A paste of strawberry, sea salt and baking soda, easy and gradually whiten teeth

Get some activated charcoal powder, you can add a little sea salt or just add to your brush, 
 then brush for 2 minutes. Be careful not to spatter, it can stain! Rinse with water then brush with regular toothpaste.  

Why this works: Activated charcoal whitens by absorbing plaque and other tooth-staining substances, leaving your teeth cleaner and brighter

Sea salt and baking Soda

What to do: Create a thin paste by mixing a teaspoon of baking soda with ½ teaspoon of sea salt and a bit of water in a small dish, use a soft toothbrush to apply to teeth and gently brush for 2 minutes. Rinse and brush with regular toothpaste.

Why this works: Sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) and salt are gentle abrasives that remove surface stains from teeth.

Hydrogen Peroxide swish

What to do: Brush teeth with regular toothpaste. Mix ½ cup of water with 2 tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide, swish in your mouth for 1 minute. Brush and rinse with water to remove hydrogen peroxide. Repeat daily until you see lighter teeth.

Why this works: The peroxide bleaches stains from teeth to restore their natural, white color.

Tumeric Powder Paste

What to do: Create a thin paste by mixing a teaspoon of organic turmeric powder, coconut oil and bit of water in a small dish, use a soft toothbrush to apply the paste to teeth and gently brush for 2 minutes. Be careful not to spatter, it can stain! Rinse with water then brush with your regular tooth paste.

Banana Peels Rub

What to do: Gently rub a small piece of the inside of the banana peel of your teeth for two minutes. Rinse then brush with regular toothpaste or baking soda to remove all banana residue.

The high level of minerals in the peel (potassium, magnesium, and manganese) are absorbed into the teeth and help to whiten your smile.

Holy Basil
The leaves of this plant have whitening characteristics and they can help your body to ward off intruders. Use a few leaves off the holy basil plant and place them in the sun for a few minutes. Once the leaves have dried, grind them until they are powder. Mix the powder into your toothpaste and brush as normal.

You can also make a paste of holy basil leaves and mustard oil, which can be used to clean your teeth.

Neem leaves or neem oil

Margosa, or neem, are known for making your teeth white. Margosa kills germs and cleans your teeth. Neem oil can even help to cure bad breath and help to prevent cavities.

14. Natural Remedies to Stop a toothache

1. Garlic

Garlic that helps you end the hair loss problem also helps you deal with toothache. Using garlic can also bring instant relief from toothache. Especially, garlic contains antibiotic and other medicinal properties which can be very useful in reducing the pain. Here are detailed instructions on how to stop a toothache with garlic:

Mix garlic powder or a crushed clove of garlic with a little sea salt or table salt and then apply it directly on your affected tooth to get rid of the pain. Or simply, you can chew about one or two garlic cloves to get relief.
You should repeat this natural remedy for a few days.

2. Pepper And Salt

Pepper combined with salt can be of good use when one tooth becomes extremely sensitive as two ingredients have antibacterial, analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties. How to stop a toothache with this mixture? What you need to do:

Mix common salt and pepper in equal amounts with water (a few drops) to form a paste.
Afterwards, apply this paste directly on your affected tooth and leave it to stay for a few minutes.
It is recommended to do this way every day for several days.
Learn more: benefits of using black and white pepper

3. Onion
how to stop a toothache-onion

Onions have antimicrobial and antiseptic properties that help in controlling a toothache. In addition, it can provide immediate relief from pain by fighting off all germs causing an infection. For the most beneficial results, you can use it like follow:

Simply, you can chew raw onion for some minutes in order to relieve the pain.
Another option is to place a raw onion piece directly on your bad tooth or gum.

4. Cloves

Cloves contain anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, anesthetic and antioxidant properties that help in alleviating tooth pain as well as fight infection. Here are step by step instructions on how to stop a toothache with cloves:

You grind 2 whole cloves. Then mix in cold pressed coconut oil or a little olive oil and now apply on your affected tooth.
Another choice is to dab one cotton ball in the clove oil and then rub it directly on your sore tooth. Alternatively, you can mix clove oil (a few drops) in water (half a glass) and use it as one mouth rinse

5. Guava Leaves

Fresh leaves of guava can also stop a toothache, due to their analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties.

Here are detailed guides on how to stop a toothache with guava leaves:

Simply, chew 1-2 tender guava leaves till the juice begins working on your affected tooth. Or, you can use raw leaves of spinach in the same way.
Another option is to put 4-5 leaves of guava leaves in water and then boil it. Allow the mixture to cool to one warm temperature and then add some salt. You should use this solution as one mouthwash.

6. Hydrogen Peroxide

The hydrogen peroxide contains an anti bacterial property. It helps to fight off the bacteria as well as gives relief from discomfort and pain. For the better results, what you need to do:

Take a little hydrogen peroxide and then gargle it.
You can gargle hydrogen peroxide by diluting with water if it tastes too horrid.

7. Peppermint Leaves

Peppermint has anti inflammatory components that help to reduce soreness and swelling in your affected area as well as prevent the toothache naturally. Here are step-by-step directions on how to stop a toothache with peppermint leaves:

Take a fresh leaves of peppermint and then chew it for some minute or you can also hold these dried leaves in your affected are.
Or, you can make peppermint tea by taking dried peppermint leaves (1 teaspoon) into boiling water (a cup), steep for about 20 minutes.
Allow this tea to stay for cooling, next swish it around in the mouth and then split it out. You should repeat this process regularly, during the ache, apart from killing pain, it stops the teeth from being infected.

8. Baking soda

Baking soda contains natural property that helps heal your toothache as well as its pain. You need to take a cotton swab and next moisten it in some water.
 Now dip this swab in your baking soda, ensure that this swab has absorbed the baking soda and now place it on your affected area. Or simply, you can apply it like one mouth wash by mixing baking soda (one tablespoon) in luke warm (a small glass) to warm water. Then swish this mixture in your mouth.

9. Tea bsg

Take one wet Lipton tea bag and then hold it on your affected area of tooth. Though this may only give short Term relief. 

10. WheatGrass juice

Extract the wheatgrass juice by using mixture grinder or blender and use this juice as one mouth wash. Another option is to chew the wheat grass for the better results.

11 Avocados seeds 

Avocado contains antioxidant property to treat the toothache. All you need to do is to take avocado seeds in toasted or drain form and next blend it to create it fine powder. Afterward, apply this avocado seeds powder to your tooth where it is decayed and later cover it with cotton. This remedy is not suggested for pregnant women.

12, bay leaves

Take a few barks of Bay Berry and then make it like one paste by mixing this with vinegar. After that apply this paste on your affected & hurting tooth in order to get the immediate relief from the pain.

13. Fresh Plantain leaves

Take fresh plantains leaves and then chew it in the mouth.

14. Fresh Cucumber

Take a fresh cucumber piece and hold it on your sore area. Or simply, you can try by mashing cucumber with salt and then place it on the sore tooh

15, Cayenne pepper)
( shombo)

Take a few cayenne peppers and then make it like one paste by including some water to this. Afterwards, apply in on your problem area. Another option is to take the powder of ginger and cayenne pepper in equal quantity and make it like one paste by adding the apple cider vinegar in this. Then, apply it on your affected tooth.

16. Essential oils

Oils especially essential oils contain a soothing property as well as inflammatory property in order to get healed from the problem of toothache when it is massaged and applied gently on your affected tooth. For the best result, you can oils take several drops of like sesame oil, oregano oil, sunflower oil, clove oil, nutmeg oil and after that apply in your affected part either by use the cotton ball or swish it.

Turmeric contains anti bacterial and anti septic property which helps in healing the pain and toothache as well. Mix turmeric powder (a teaspoon) with purified water and make it like one fine paste. Then, apply this paste on your affected part of the tooth using the cotton ball. You can add a little honey to improve the taste.

Myrrh has the astringent effects that help to inflammation as well as kill the bacteria in order to prevent the pain and toothache. You just need to simmer powdered myrrh (about 1 teaspoon) in water (2 cups) for about half an hour. Strain it and allow it to cool for some minutes. Wash it off with 1 teaspoon of solution in ½ cup of water for about 5-6 times a day.

Cinnamon powder also works for toothache, you can place a little quantity on the aching spot.
Note: You cannot use all the remedies only those within your reach.
Never have tooth again

Pay attention to your teeth, we are mostly lazy when it has to do with our teeth until it pains.

Brush your teeth twice a day with a fluoride toothpaste
Clean between your teeth every day with floss or another type of between-the-teeth cleaner
Limit sugary snacks and drinks
Don't smoke or chew tobacco

Use cold pressed coconut after meals at night, with a small chewing stick to clean your teeth. It keeps germs away and helps you sleep better, I do it daily except a few nights if I am too tired and slept off, but if I wake before 1am, will still do it. 

Eat these foods daily or frequently, carrots moderately due to sugar, at least one orange in a day.
They provide nutrients that Supports oral health. I am consciously taking them since they help me avoid frequent tooth aches. About two premolars have gone. Have anyone lost teeth in the house?


  1. If you don't brush your teeth you get plaque which breaks down your tooth enamel. This will cause bad breath and eventually can cause major problems and require things like crowns and root canals. Gum disease. Also known as periodontal disease, this occurs when the bacteria in plaque cause swollen and bleeding gums.

  2. Toothaches are normally a result of irritation of the nerves contained inside the tooth. Tooth decay or damage, and gum disease are among the many conditions that can irritate these super-sensitive nerve endings. You can manage naturally by following these tips. You can improve all type of oral problems with with exceptional Cayman dental services in a compassionate and friendly atmosphere.

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