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Tuesday 29 August 2023

Health benefits of yoghurt

  • Introduction
  • We shall look at the topic under the following headings:
1.   What is yoghurt/also origin
2.   Types of yoghurt
3.   Why You should learn to make your own yoghurt
4.  Important facts you should know about yoghurt
5. What is probiotics
6.  Health Benefits of Yoghurt 
7.  When do I need yoghurt
8.  How to make your own yoghurt. 
Materials you will need

1.  Yoghurt Origin/definition

The word yogurt comes from Turkey and refers to a tart, thick milk. However, the origin of yogurt is not singular. Yogurt can be found in nearly every culture that has kept animals for milk and it was likely discovered in similar ways in each region.

When fresh milk is left in a container with friendly bacteria, the milk thickens and develops a delicious, sour taste. The lactic acid produced by the fermentation process also acts as a preservative, helping the cultured milk stay fresh longer. This is the best version of yoghurt. Though most yoghurts in our supermarket are far from this.

Yoghurt is in our healthy food list, it has numerous health benefits.  However going round the markets, supermarkets and other health shops, found out that good and healthy yoghurts with probiotics are nowhere or rather difficult to find.

It then became necessary to teach us about this healthy food, it's benefits and how to make it at home through a special seminar like this one. So take time to read through, I have included videos for those of us better at listening than reading.

Preparation and consumption of different types of yogurt is in prevelence unique to various culture and traditions world over. Yogurt use dates back to many centuris presribed for its prebiotic, and easy digesting properties.
2.  Types of yoghurt

There are two main categories of yoghurt

1.  Low fat

2.  Full fat

Depending  on your choice, full fat or low fat.  Your choice in most cases is determined by  what you want to achieve.

There are also different varieties of yoghurt dependjng again on their content and mode of preparation. The examples below of varying versions  are also available with added probiotics:

#Greek yogurt

This contains double the protein of conventional yogurt.

#Organic yogurt made with organic milk and possibly other organic ingredients

#Lactose free yogurt
vegan yogurt (for example, soy, almond, cashew, hemp, oat, flax, and coconut milk yogurts)


Kefir is a liquid yogurt for drinking. It contains probiotics and is easy to make at home by adding kefir grains to milk and leaving it to stand for 12 to 24 hours.  Though the word kefir may not be familiar to you us as it foreign, but in its place, millet is prepared in the same way.  It is just the name that may sound different. I have tasted the Nigerian version of this and it tastes nice also but the fact that I am used to boiling or cooking my millet has discouraged me from preparing it for my myself and family despite having enjoyed it from supermarkets.

 Although cow's milk is employed to a larger extent in processing yoghurt, it can also be prepared using buffalo, goat, sheep and soy milk and other grains  to which starter culture is usually  added.

Greek yogurt

Greek yogurt has a higher protein content than other yogurts, but it contains less calcium.
Greek yogurt is thick and creamy. It can withstand heat better than regular yogurt

Low fat or non-fat

Low-fat, or reduced-fat yogurt, is made with 2-percent milk. Non-fat yogurt is made with zero percent or skim milk.

3.  Why you should make your own yoghurt at home.

When I discovered the benefits of yoghurt as a healing food.  I went out searching for unsweetened yoghurt with probiotics, surprisingly, it was no where to be found, then I considered making my own. 

Here are more reasons to consider making 3.  Why you should make your own yoghurt at home.

When I discovered the benefits of yoghurt as a healing food.  I went out searching for unsweetened yoghurt with probiotics, surprisingly, it was no where to be found, then I considered making my own. 

Here are more reasons to consider making your own yoghurt:

  Added flavors and fats

Most of these yogurts are available in both flavored and unflavored varieties. The fat content of these yogurts cannot be ascertained if you are watching your weight.
Some manufacturers  add sugar, salt  and other artificial flavors to their yogurts to improve the taste.

People may be tempted to buy yogurts containing healthful sounding ingredients, such as granola and fruit, unsweetened etc, yet, it may not be what you thought or want. 

Also, these varieties may contain a significant amount of total carbs and added sugar. It is usually best to avoid yogurt products that contain added ingredients. Be sure to check product labels if in doubt, better still,  try making  your own. own yoghurt:

  Added flavors and fats

Most of these yogurts are available in both flavored and unflavored varieties. The fat content of these yogurts cannot be ascertained if you are watching your weight.
Some manufacturers  add sugar, salt  and other artificial flavors to their yogurts to improve the taste.

People may be tempted to buy yogurts containing healthful sounding ingredients, such as granola and fruit, unsweetened etc, yet, it may not be what you thought or want. 

Also, these varieties may contain a significant amount of total carbs and added sugar. It is usually best to avoid yogurt products that contain added ingredients. Be sure to check product labels if in doubt, better still,  try making  your own.

4.  Important facts you should know about yoghurt

#Yogurt is made by fermenting milk wth a yogurt culture.

#Health benefits can include promoting bone health and aiding digestion.

#Some yogurts contain active, living bacteria known as probiotics, which can help keep the intestines healthy. While some do not, but only packed full with yoghurt flavors.  Avoid them

#Yogurt products that go through heat treatment have no active bacteria, reducing the health benefits.
Yogurt-covered raisins are an example.

#Yogurts contain calcium, vitamins B6 and B12, riboflavin, potassium, and magnesium. The amounts depend on the type.

Good home made Yoghurt is a healing food.

Fermented dairy products with active bacterial cultures are one of the most common sources of probiotics;
Probiotic milk products may be beneficial in alleviating symptoms for a number of gastrointestinal conditions, including Helicobacter pylori infection, irritable bowel syndrome and antibiotic-associated diarrhea;
Milk products with probiotics may improve gut microbiota, have an immunomodulatory effect, and thus maintain overall health.

6.  Health Benefits of Yoghurt.

The health benefits of yoghurt is derived from the presence of active live culture. Here are some of the benefits to expect from a quality healthy yoghurt. 

It's Rich in Important Nutrients. Yogurt contains some of nearly every nutrient that your body needs.

It's High in Protein. ...
Some Varieties May

 Benefit Digestive Health. 

It May Strengthen Your Immune System. 

It May Protect Against Osteoporosis

It May Benefit Heart Health.

It May Promote Weight Management

It helps keep the female private part healthy

It does not feed yeast like ordinary milk.

7.  When do You need yoghurt?

get the most of health benefits from yogurt, it is recommended to be consumed at the following times:


Eating yogurt as a breakfast menu is very good for those of you who want to lose weight. The nutritional content is enough to feed and energize the body in the morning. In addition, digestive health will be maintained.


Choosing yogurt as a snack is not only safe for weight, it is also good for maintaining mood. A study shows that consuming yogurt gives the similar effect as chocolate, it could make you feel happier after consuming it.

After eating

It’s better to consume yogurt as a dessert instead of choosing other products that contains high quantity of sugar.  Yogurt can help the body reduce cholesterol in the blood that way.

When traveling
When traveling and visiting a new place, we will be vulnerable to diarrhea, stomach cramps, and nausea. Usually this is caused by bacteria from food. Yogurt can help overcome this.

Among those four, it turns out that the best option to consume yogurt is during breakfast or on an empty stomach. This is because good bacteria or probiotics in yogurt must arrive at the large intestine in a live condition to effectively maintain digestion and health. If yogurt is consumed after a meal, the good bacteria or probiotic will be defunct due to the exposure of stomach acid during digestion process of food.

Actually, on an empty stomach, the stomach will also produce stomach acid. The acid amount is not as much as when the food has entered the stomach. The amount of stomach acid that is not too much when the empty stomach is claimed to be safe for effectiveness and the activity of yogurt bacteria maintain digestive health.

However, consuming yogurt on an empty stomach is not recommended for those who have problems with the stomach. For example, people with chronic gastritis is recommended to give a break at least one hour after having a full meal prior to consuming yogurt.

In summary

if you choose to buy yoghurt from supermarkets, ensure to read labels due to added flavours and Ingredients, you do not need. Moderation is still required in consuming yoghurt. 

You need yoghurt after a dose of antibiotics or similar drugs.

Your need yoghurt if you notice poor digestion  of foods and chronic constipation, mostly caused by overgrowth of yeast.


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