The one block fat it's actually used to describe when the blood is quite thick and if you can bring out a sample of your blood when the blood fat is said to be in there, you will notice it's unusually thick and dark and not easily flowing and so there is no way we can bring out this blood out in order to take out the fat. It is actually the food we eat that contributed to the fat in the blood and it is again the food that will take that will reduce the fat in the blood or melt the fat and so what are some of the main food that contribute to blood fat I will mention a few of them and then some of the foods that we should consume regularly to reduce the fat in the blood occasionally in the next article. Pratically speaking, when I try to check my blood sugar especially when I am feeling unwell each time, I often notice that the blood is thick, that is actually what may have contributed to the feeling of being unwell, and so it's time to begin to include blood thinners in the diet to help to change the blood because if the blood continue to thicken it can lead to blocking of arteries like the heart valves and it can even lead to serious cases like stroke talking of blood fat. So it is necessary for us to ensure especially older adult that we continue to include blood thinners daily in our diet to reduce excessive thickening of our blood which gives room two infections and sometimes heart problems and even stroke. In my view here are 4 top blood thickness that we should reduce as we get older, most of them are also good sources of iron.
1. Soyabeans:
Soyabeans is a healthy food whether the powder or liquid form it's better for growing children and sometimes the adult needed to it in small amount to complete our nutrients especially when we suspect that we are not taking enough food to give us all the nutrients we need especially also for heart health too. Soyabeans contains some phytonutrients that supports heart health and it is also important to include it moderately and occasionally in the adult diet in order to support our heart to support our health generally especially blood sugar, but when we suspect fat in our blood we need to reduce blood thickness like soyabeans and take it out completely till it thins again, because soyabeans will add more iron to the blood making it sticker and that is a good environment for bacteria to thrive, too much iron in the blood is not good for older adults some of us go as far as buying iron tablets and capsules, this is very very unhealthy for older adults.
2. Leafy Greens:
This may come as a surprise to many people because there is so much positive talks about including leafy greens in our diet but when we know that most of the leafy greens are blood thickness and so when we suspect that our blood is too thick we should be very selective about the type of green vegetables we include in our diet. Some leaves like Ugu should be reduced. We should be very selective okra is a good vegetable and is more of calcium and ewedu is a good one too. They are better in calcium and other nutrients that may not thicken our blood as that of most leafy greens.
3. Meat and Some type of fish
Meet should not be avoided completely but it's also a blood thinner. Blood thinners are good source of iron it's a good source of some other essential nutrients but when you suspect that your blood is quite thick it's important to reduce your meat consumption because it will bring in more iron into the blood and more iron will be more thickness in the blood and that will not help your effort to reduce blood fat or fat in the blood. Some fish especially some common fishes we consume thickens our blood, fishes the popular shawa thickens blood too but fatty fish are better blood thinners but we hardly get such fishes around.
4. Processed Foods
Processed foods whether they contain fat or not contribute to overall fat in the blood because of the chemicals and other preservatives added to these foods when we consume them in large amount they contribute to overall fat in the blood and so if you suspect that your blood is fat or there is fat in your blood it may not necessarily mean that you are eating fatty meals but these type of processed foods can contribute to overall fat and thickness in the blood, as long as they do not contribute to the thinning of the blood reduce the meat until the blood thins again.
When we have high red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets are generally high in the blood, the blood will obviously be fat and that is what I describe as blood being too fat, too loaded in another way to describe it and that is not good for older adults . Growing children can use it for growth and other things but the older adults does not have any way to use some of these things elements and so bacteria thrive on it and diseases also thrive, that may not work well in our favour , it invites diseases including stroke and blocking or clogging of arteries. so I will talk about remind do a reminder concerning blood thinners, talking of common blood thinners that we need to start consuming if we suspect thickness in our blood and this includes exercising moderately all these contribute to reducing the fat in our blood.
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